Chapter 4

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Kong's POV

I stared at the name scribed across my screen for a good five minutes. My fingers lightly brushing over the call button before I lost my courage and shoved my phone back in my pocket.

It had been over a week since P'Arthit had practically escorted me home and stored his number on my phone and then pretty much proceeded to ignore me from that very second. I hadn't heard or spoken to him since that night. Even the one time I was called back into station for a routine check in, although he was right there across the room, our eyes even locking briefly, before I could raise my hand to give him an awkward wave he had turned away and resumed his conversation with someone else.

That was a good thing right?

The lead investigator for a murder I was probably a suspect for ignoring me should be exactly the thing I should be aiming for. And yet somehow it felt odd for him to not even acknowledge my presence. To be fair why would he? He was probably the most enigmatic man I had ever met. I on the other hand kept a running tally of the number of holes in my t-shirt. Still my stupid brain couldn't help but wonder if I had run into him under different circumstances would his stare be less accusing? Maybe he would even smile when he spoke to me. Perhaps in some alternate universe we might even get to know each other, be friends almost.

And this was right about the time I had to physically smack to head to get it screwed straight. If I am imagining alternate realities shouldn't I be thinking up for one in which I didn't have to work a shitty job, or one where I wasn't about to get evicted any day now. Or definitely one in which I didn't have a man literally die in my arms. How does one even move on from something like that?

And still among all the gazillion things going around me I was actually contemplating giving him a call. What would I even say? What did I actually have to talk about with a man miles out of my league, who was possibly insanely busy solving a murder, and probably had next to no interest in chatting with an absolute nobody like me.

So why have I stared at my phone almost dialing his number more than once in the past week is way beyond my comprehension. I should really be focusing all this energy on much more productive things, like where I was walking. Or the fact that while I had my head stuck on my phone once again, there was a large car speeding right towards me.

The loud commotion finally catching my attention when I looked up to see it racing in full speed, about to crash into me, my reaction a little too slow to even figure out that probably I should jump out of the way. All I could manage was to scrunch my eyes shut and brace for impact when I suddenly felt my body jerk laterally, a sharp pain running through my arm just as I felt the car clip my leg.

The sudden motion in two opposing direction causing me to twist my body in an unnatural manner, before I found myself falling face first right into the ground. Surprisingly, though, I didn't actually feel any of that seeing how my fall was cushioned by a very human body. My disoriented brain taking a little too long to recognize the man groaning under me.


Did I die? Am I unconscious? Is this a dream? Or maybe a hallucination?

What are the chances the man I was thinking about not two seconds ago had suddenly materialized right under me? And I would have gladly stayed in that position, staring at his face, trying to figure out the probability of that happening if he hadn't groaned once again. Clutching at his head in pain, clearly showing a large gash right across his forehead.

"Are...are you ok?"

I attempted to move off of him to see how he was doing when a comically loud yelp was snatched out of me. Ok, this was definitely no dream. I am absolutely sure dreams don't have this level of pain in them.


P'Arthit screamed right in my face before grabbing both my arms and carefully placed me next to him on the ground and immediately starting running his hands and eyes over my body. Immediately letting out a string of curses as we noticed my blood drenched right leg. And I swear the rather high pitched squeal that I let out is not remotely my true voice as he ripped my jeans to reveal a gruesome looking wound. His hands instantly stilling as he looked at me worried.

"Does it hurt too bad?"

"'m fine."

The deep frown on my face probably telling him I was in intense pain, and to be honest I actually really liked him being so tender while examining my leg. So perhaps it wasn't the best idea to tell him that it pinched a lot harder for having my only pair of pants torn to shreds than the tiny scratch he was making such a big deal about. I mean it was only a flesh wound. A couple weeks and it would be nothing other than a scabby scar. But looking at P'Arthit's clearly distressed face I decided to keep my mouth shut. It's not every day I get someone fussing over me.

So when he practically got stuck to my hip the rest of the day, half dragging, half carrying me to the closest hospital; hovering over my head constantly while I got bandaged up, even shoving different varieties of food and drinks in my hand all day, I didn't really have a reasonable response to his inquisitive look as to why I had a ridiculous grin on my face while the doc was pushing needles through my skin.

The smile on my face only broadening when he offered to drop me home after we were done. My heart beat racing when he put his arm around my waist to help me up the stairs. That's fair right? I am allowed to get excited about this seriously good looking man showering me with attention without having asked me one question all day that had made me previously squirm. And maybe tomorrow he would go right back to becoming the gruff cop who pretty much ignored my very existence. But for today I was more than happy to revel in the fact that I had him focus on nothing but me.

Keeping aside the near death experience today was probably one of the better days of my life, and just as I was happily reliving it in my head, it came to a crashing halt. Cause the very first thing the both of us noticed as soon as we arrived to my front door was two bags haphazardly stuffed with my belongings laying outside. A huge lock clearly keeping the door shut. And most importantly a large, overly conspicuous notice of eviction taped on the door.


I really, really thought I had atleast a week more to figure out my rent situation. Now I am limping, homeless, and worse still blushing like a tomato next to P'Arthit who had obviously witnessed my embarrassment.

My tongue feeling like a lead block in my mouth as I tried to figure out how to make P'Arthit leave as soon as possible without further falling down the endless pool of shame and begin figuring out my new problem, when he simply bent down, picked up both my bags, turned around and began walking down the stairs again. My mouth about to open to question what was going on when he interrupted my distracted thoughts.

"Come on, we are going back to my place."


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