Chapter 13

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Arthit's POV

I took a small sip of the freezing cold soup in front of me and immediately spat it right out. Momentarily taking my mind off the scene playing out in front of me as I pushed away the atrocity in a bowl that Kong has slapped on my table a few minutes ago. Complete with a death glare. And then he went right back to running around the tiny restaurant while that Jay fellow kept barking orders at him.

My mood getting only that much more fouler with every second where Kong was rather intentionally ignoring me, being a little too eager to be at his so called boss' beck and call. Not that I entirely blame him for being so short with me. In fact I had almost expected it after I had spent the past few days very consciously avoiding even the slightest contact with him.

And although initially the idea came from Knott, that I should probably give Kong some breathing space away from me, let him figure out what he wanted for himself while he didn't have me pressuring him, and weirdly I actually agreed with Knott. Not about all the crap about me bullying Kong into making out with me, but the very real possibility that my job would be in jeopardy if anyone discovered my inexplicable obsession with the boy. Which poses a major problem for me since I was pretty sure I would coming running to see him as soon as I heard his voice. So as annoying as getting a cold shoulder from Kong was, it was hands down the better option. And yet as soon as Bright had told me he was going back to work tonight I knew how I would be spending my evening.

Jay hadn't really shown any obvious signs on our radar while we kept digging around for information about Martin's murder, but something about him always managed to get my antenna tingling. And maybe it was nothing more than my over active possessiveness of Kong and his unnaturally close relationship with the man who seemed to have no problems bossing him around. Or perhaps the only other person who was a common link between Kong and Martin might be someone I should be scrutinizing a little more.

Whatever the reason I used to justify my actions didn't really matter. I got to see Kong tonight, even for only a few hours, even when he looked spitting mad at me, without the piercing glare of Knott constantly reminding me what a bad idea this was, and for now this was enough.

After probably the longest 6 hours of my life, I could finally walk a brooding Kong back to my car. The entirely too short a drive to the safe house spent in complete silence. Even when I parked in the quiet, deserted lane behind the alleyway of our destination, making sure we weren't followed or there wasn't anyone lurking in the shadows Kong had yet to utter a single word.

In fact as he sat next to me in the dark car, arms folded across his chest in the display clearly showing his anger at me. The way his lips were pushed out in a petulant pout making him look so adorable that I couldn't help but resist reaching a hand out and grabbing the back of his neck to turn him towards me. Pulling his face close enough so that I could plant a wet one on the mouth that had me driving crazy all night long.

Surprisingly, instead of a punch in the gut that I was totally expecting, and to be honest I deserved, I felt him physically melt against me. Any resistance evaporating instantly as he opened his mouth just the way I had taught him, his hungry lips trying to explore my mouth passionately. Both his hands already buried deep within my hair, fingers digging into my scalp.

I smiled at his overwhelming enthusiasm at our secret make out in the silent car while I made a mental note that sometime not right now I definitely needed to teach the boy to stand his ground a little better. No wonder that jerk Jay pushed him around so much. As of now, though, I was actually perfectly content at him having a will power as shaky as mine when it came to him.

My tongue very much still shoved down his throat as I slid my hand down the side of his torso, all the way up to his muscled thigh as I tugged at it suggestively. The little guy in my pants immediately gaining attention when I realized just how nimble Kong was as he expertly maneuvered himself from across his seat onto mine. Both his legs planted firmly on either side of my hips as he sat on me. His dick eagerly rubbing against mine while he trapped us between the seat and the steering wheel. Catching me slightly off guard when he twisted the lever on the side of my seat that instantly made it fall back flat. Taking us with it.

When did my boy get this bold? Not that I am complaining ofcourse.

I began slowly unbuttoning his shirt as he continued exploring my mouth as if he was discovering secrets he didn't know existed. When he finally broke away to catch his breath I took the opportunity to suck on the enticing skin in front of me. His neck arching in response as I slid my tongue down his nape, reaching the collar bone, settling there quite contentedly as I kept lapping at the ever growing bruise.

"Tell me about Jay."


"Tell me about your relationship with Jay. Starting from the very beginning."

"Now? You want me to talk about P'Jay right now?"


And ridiculous as it may sound, this was literally the perfect time to have a conversation about Jay. I think it was time to acknowledge that my dumb, jealous brain was simply not going to be able to handle having Kong fawn over that guy in front of me. But while I had him wrapped around in my arms, my mouth eating him out, I may be able to survive that dreadful conversation. Not entirely too professional now was it? But at this point, that ship has long past sailed.

"Uh...P'Jay was my senior at the orphanage...and...and...we were together the entire time he was there and he was kind of like my....ahhhh...."

I bit down a little harder than necessary before licking the wound once again. Maybe there was no good time to listen to him talk about Jay. Perhaps I should let Knott do it. Nevertheless, Kong rather oblivious about my inner turmoil continued his halting response. His voice getting lower and raspier as I let my mouth feast on his body.

"...he was like my personal bully...and at times my savior. He picked on me all the time, but yet he wouldn't let anyone else do it. Then when I had to leave when I turned 18, he helped me find a place to live and gave me a job. He even gave me his old phone."

"So you have known each other most of your life?"


"Do you think he could have had something to do with Martin's death. And the attacks on you?"

"P'Jay? Never. He couldn't even hurt a fly. In fact he was...ahhhh...P'!"

I had closed my teeth around his now exposed nipple, sucking on it feverishly, having undone some more his buttons. My hands just about to push his pants down his tight butt when we heard a sharp knock on the window.

And absolutely no points for guessing who was standing right by my car growling with anger.


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