New School

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I hope you guys enjoy the first chapter ~~~


Jimin pov:

My limo is on it's way to my new school. It's quite nerve wrecking changing schools, it's like starting a new life. I moved to come to this school, i used to live in Busan, but now I'm here at Seoul, i hope I can make friends. Before today I made sure i picked out some of my classes that i had a choice on. I also decided to join the Art club sense I'm a pretty good painter and I can draw really good, all of that stuff. I'm also going to take Dance, it might be weird the first time I see everyone there, I would have to gain confidence to start freely dancing in front of everyone. I just hope everything goes fine today.

I snap back from my thoughts as my driver says, "Sir, we have arrived."

"yes thank you Sejun." I say and grab my bag and hang it on my shoulder waiting for Sejun the open my door. Once he does I calmly walk out and admire the beautiful scenery. 

The school is quite large and the walls are mostly made of glass. I was given a map of the school through the mail, but i forgotten to bring it! How stupid can I be. Alright I just need to find the main office and I'll be fine. If only I weren't so awkward to new people. 

I walk in through the main entrance and into the halls. There were quite weirdly fancy looking lockers that were wider than the usual. i look around and try to find a sign of the office somewhere around here. I feel like an ant in the jungle, so much land to cover to find what I need. 

"Hey, you new here?" I here a voice from behind me. I turn to see a quite handsome male. He's much taller than me though, and he's not alone. i look at him confused. "You look lost. Need any help with anything?" He asked with a smile, he had the cutest dimples.

"Oh ya I'm new. I uh ... was looking for the o-office?" Dammit, my dumb stuttering. The other guy next to him looked me up and down, it made me feel kinda insecure.

"I'm Namjoon, the vice president of the student body, and this is Yoongi, the vice president."the taller male spoke. I couldn't stop my eyes from wandering to his dimples they were so cute. The smaller one has pretty eye catching hair, it was mint green, I like it. "What's your name?" He asked me after a brief second.

"I'm Jimin." I say and bow down for respect, i mean this is the president of a club after all.

"No need to be so formal, we can help you to the office if you'd like. The directions there are kinda difficult to memorize considering the size of this place." he giggles. Yoongi finally showed a small smile, he look intimating at first but i bet he's friendly.

" Ya sure, I'd love tha-"

"Joonie!" Another male jumped onto Namjoon's back cutting me off. His hair was black and his lips were very plump, but not as full as mine. His smile was wide on his face and he was laughing. "Tell Teahyung to stop chasing me!" his eyes were shut tight as if scared but excited.

"Baby, I don't see Tae anywhere... come on." Namjoon put the boy down and wrapped his arms around his waist. The boy was looking around confused.

"He's hiding, he knows you'll scold him." He looks back at me after looking around him, "Whose this?" He asks, eyes curious as a cats.

"This is Jimin. A new kid, don't scare him off Jin." Suddenly said Yoongi who was still on the other side of Namjoon with his arms crossed. I guess the guy's name is Jin. And Namjoon called him baby? He's gay? I think we'll get along fine.

"My apologies," he bowed and said, " I'm Kim Seokjin, but you may call me Jin." His cheeky smile was back and his charms definitely got to me, as  I found myself smiling back.

"I'm Park Jimin." I shyly say and twiddle around with my fingers when I'm nervous.

"How cute, may I call you Jiminie?" his smile lowering and awaiting my answer, i hesitate and Namjoon coughs slightly. "Don't be jealous now Joonie." Jin narrowed his eyes at Namjoon who was looking down and listening to our short talk. Jin lifts his chin upwards and then pinches his cheeks. 

"Sure I don' mind Jin." I say and Jin stops and turns towards me and grins once more. He turns back to Namjoon and whispers something in his ear. Namjoon's cheeks suddenly blew in color as Jin retreated. 

"Oh no." Yoongi said in a plain face as he saw the same tint in red that I did on Namjoons face. He walks over to be and says, "I guess I'll be taking you." his expression unpredictable always. "You two go do whatever." As he took my wrist in his hand and lead me past them. I turn to see once more and Jin's head is also turned looking at me. He winks. I wonder what he told Namjoon.


The silence is not awkward as i thought it would be, but it's actually comfortable and I didn't feel the need to talk. We past by many hallways and turned plenty of times. I need to start to memorize this school before one day someone catches me dead against a wall.

Yoongi was still holding my wrist as w swayed through a variety of people. Everyone looked so sophisticated, I think I'm going to like this school. 

Some random guys is running backwards and suddenly bumps into me. He falls onto the floor but Yoongi kept me steady so I didn't end up falling too. It looks like he was trying to catch a football. The guy who threw it came running, "So sorry about him." He said in panic as he helped his friend up. The one who fell finally stoop up and glared at me. I felt so short under his gaze, he's so much taller than me, a senior probably. 

"Watch it shorty!" His voice was raising,"If you weren't standing here watching yourself, I wouldn't have fallen!" his eyebrows were furrowed as he looked down at me. Gosh why me?

"You were the one running idiot. My friend was simply minding his own business." Yoongi barked back but not as loud as the infuriated guy. "Chanyeol, put your dog on it's leash." Yoongi directed the last comment to the boy who was apologizing at first. Everyone in this hallway was already paused and awaiting a fight or something. Yoongi looks tough and I'm glad he is here to protect me. "Kai, you are to go to the office for disruption, running on hallways, overall being an asshole." Yoongi said. "As part of the student body Chanyeol and I will be taking you to the office." 

So apparently the nice one of the two is Chanyeol and the rude wild dog is Kai? Ok I need to memorize a lot. Kai huffed and murmured a 'whatever' and began to walk away with Chanyeol.

"I'll take him Yoongi!" Chanyeol yelled back and placed his hand on Kai's back to keep him calm from ripping my face off. Yoongi just gave a thumbs up and started to take a different direction the the office, I'm guessing.

"Looks like I already made an enemy."

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