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Enjoy this, sorry for not updating.

Happy reading <3


*2 weeks later*

Jimin pov

"Please! Just this once, we don't hang out after school as much as before." said Taehyung, trying to convince us to have a sleepover at his house. Today was Friday and all his arguments were almost inaudible as the tons of student talking and utensils being clinked were near overdoing it. Today the cafeteria was packed, more than usual. Here we all sit during our lunch break trying to find good reasons to go. Meanwhile Jungkook can't stop rubbing my thigh constantly. It felt nice, not gonna lie.

"I don't know. Namjoon and I kinda have plans." Jin said turning to Namjoon.

"Oh yeah? And exactly what are those plans?" teased Hoseok, pointing a finger at the couple.

"Just hanging out at my house." Namjoon said innocently, scratching the back of his neck.

"Hanging out. Sure. Well,cancel it. Besides, Taehyung is right. We can watch movies, play games, eat delicious foo-"

"Food? So we're gonna have snacks and stuff?" Jin said suddenly looking interested at the fact that there will be food. Namjoon and Yoongi grin and giggle at his cuteness. Jin has always had that interest. Honestly, if Jin where to go, he'd be the one to prepare the snacks. And I'd be pleased to eat his food.

"Yes! What do you say Yoongi?" Taehyung asked turning to Yoongi who was sitting right beside him. So far it was Hobi and Taehyung who were totally in for it. The rest not sure.

"Well, as long as I get to sleep." Said Yoongi plainly. With that Jin agreed and with Jin, so comes Namjoon. It was Jungkook's and I's turn to decide if we're going or not. So everyone turned to look at us, arching a brow.

The guys know Jungkook and I are dating, they where one of the first to know. I looked over at Kookie to see if he had anything to say about this, but he seemed spaced out. He had his head leaning on his palm as he continued to stroke my thigh, as if it were some cat.

Jungkook pov

I don't know why, but i currently can't control my imagination. Jimin's thigh felt so nice and ferm, the muscles going tense on a particular spot. Every time I reach the top i grip, on and on in a pattern. I haven't asked him how many squats he has to do a day to maintain those thigh, ooh and that ass. Don't get me started. The way he sometimes walks in font of me i can't help the urges to look down, how it jiggles every time his hips come to a stop at each direction. Jimin's ass is just the definition of p-

"Kookie?!" Jimin yells, waving a hand in front of my face, making me snap out of my thoughts. I hum in response.

"So? What do you say?" asked Tae, I have no idea what he's talking about, so I just mutter a 'sure'.

"Really?" Jimin asks me. "Ok it's settled. Sleepover at Tae's!" Jimin says and I suddenly feel stupid. mentally face palming myself, I just give everyone a smile. It wouldn't be bad to have a sleep over anyway.

The bell rang and we finished off our school 


Knock Knock

I stand in front of Jimin's house and wait for a response. 

 Jimin opens the door looking like a full blown mochi. He had on a large fuzzy sweater that reached mid thigh and was light pink. It made his small figure look so hug able.

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