Hot Baths

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Jimin pov

It's really quiet, the only sounds again is that dumb rain. The water droplets slapping my windows is the sound that fills the quietness in my bathroom. Because I'm currently sitting against Jungkook. In a bubbly hot bath. The water gives goosebumps to the skin that isn't dipped in the hot water.

"Let me wash you, yeah?" I suddenly hear Jungkook say in a quiet voice, almost a whisper. I answer his question by ditching my last positing and getting on his lap, facing him. Water almost spills out the bath in the process but it's okay. 

Jungkook lets out a little scoff and grabs the wash cloth I have laying around the bathtub. He slathers a good amount of body wash. Once the substance is laid on the pretty red material, the room instantly begins to smell a strong lavender. i'm so happy, nothing can ruin my relationship right? It's just too perfect to be true through.

He starts at my chest, rubbing the soft material on my torso, flinching at the first touch because the body wash is actually cold, he murmurs a quiet 'sorry'. 

"Should we invite friends over? While we watch a movie." I suggest.

"If that's what you want kitten." he says softly as the washcloth passes my collarbone to my shoulder, scrubbing the temporary hickeys he left earlier this week. "You know, these colors look pretty on you." he says passing over more hickeys on my neck, I feel heat rise on my cheeks. I know I'm blushing, so I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Thank you." I almost whisper, but he hears it, noting our close proximity. 

"You're welcome kitten." gosh that makes me blush even more, how can I become so soft for him? Right because... I love him.


"No problem, but Yoongi and Hoseok want to stay at Yoongi's for some reason." I hear Namjoon say from the cold phone resting on my fingertips.

"Cut the shit, we all know they'er probably fucking!" I hear Jungkook scream from the kitchen, that little brat. i hear Namjoon scoff at the other end, telling me he totally heard what Jungkook said.

"Anyway, Tae said he'd come." I say.

"Yup, It'll be easy to convince Jin because he has nothing to do today." 

"Okay, just tell him we're making hot chocolate and we're just gonna have a short movie marathon."

"Yup. Okay bye Jimin, we'll see you in like twenty minutes."

"Okay bye Namjoon." i end the phone call and walk towards the kitchen. Where I see Jungkook stirring the hot chocolate. He lets the big metal spoon down and turns to see me leaning against the counter.

"What'd he say?" he asks walking towards me.

"They'll come in 20 minutes." I say, but suddenly I get a childish idea, "Turn around.'"

He looks at me confused, but does it quickly. So I back off a few steps and then run towards him. Jumping on his back and raping my arms on his neck letting out laughter. 

"A piggy back?" he giggles out. i don't know why i'm feeling so giddy, like a child. 

"To the living room!" I point out and he just laughs and runs over there. "Careful!" I don't want to fall over. But he lets me fall, dammit. I close my eyes waiting for the fall or something but that never happens. I do fall, but on a squishy and comfortable surface that i sink into. Ohh, it's the fucking couch.

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