Meeting His friends

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Omg we love our sunshine hobii ^^^



Jimin pov

Class was over soon and it wasn't that bad. Maybe just the fact that someone I just met was flirting and touching me, but anyway. 

I'm now going to my fourth period before I go to lunch. It's going to be Art and let's just say i dont know If I'll make a friend. There was this kid last period that was very kind. He said his name is Yeonjun and he had the cutest face, just everything about it. He helped me out with work i didn't understand. He says he's a really good hacker and gets jobs from it and gets paid a good amount of money because he's trying to move out from his parents house.

But anyway, I'm walking through my classroom and of course i have to introduce my self again, for the fourth time. This time though, the teacher let me sit were ever I wanted. I looked around the classroom and i was almost left shitless.

Kai was siting in the back row staring at me. Oh shit.

There were only two seats available, the one Next to Kay and another near the windows next to someone who couldn't stop tapping their floor on the floor. He looked really hyper but i'd rather not die the first day so I slowly made my way to that hyper kid. I say down and he immediately introduces himself, "Hi! I'm Jung Hoseok. Call me Hobi, let's be friends!" He smiled to brightly it looked like the sun itself was smiling at me. It was contagious, I began to grin,

"I'm Park Jimin." I grinned. I actually like this kid. Well he might be older than me so...

"Alright everyone settle in. We're going to start a project!" Everyone began to groan, I didn't really mind. "The person next to you is your partner and we're going to sketch out half your partners face." She began to go into more detail about our projects. I guess I have to draw half of Hobi's face, won't be so hard. 


Class was almost over and Hobi asked me a question while I was in the mid of sketching out his nose. I hummed in response, "You wanna eat lunch with me and few of my friends?" My eyebrows were still furrowed from concentration.

"Sure." I plainly said trying to get the shadow just right.

"Yay!" I thrived and grinned brightly once more, "Oh yeah I forgot to ask, how come Kai keeps glaring at you?" What he asked surprised me my eyebrows jumped up and I looked around the class to see Kai staring straight at me. If looks could kill, I'd be long dead by now.

"Oh, he bumped i-into me, this morning ... n-now he just d-doesn't like me, I guess?" I stutter, I mentally face palm myself. People like Kai get me nervous.

"You're not the only one, it's like he hates everyone, except his best friend. he's in the student body, his name is-"

"Chanyeol." I say and continue to add dept to the nose on my sketchbook.

"Yeah, you know him?"

"I kinda met him when he was apologizing for Kai bumping into me, he's really the nice one between the two."

"People don't know why he hangs around Kai, because he's such a good boy and could do so much better." Hobi nagged. I just nodded and suddenly the bell rang. "Hurry, I can't wait for you to meet my friends!"

"Right. How many of them are going to be there?" I say as I pack my bag and Hobi does the same.

"My two roommates and two juniors that are dating and their the cutest!" Hobi squealed as he put on his backpack and I did the same, smiling at his fondness.

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