wastelands • kwon hyuk (dean)🌚

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Theme: The apocalypse was an idea in the early years of pending history, but now, it's actually happening; you are apart of it along with your best friend, Kwon Hyuk.

**The red sand had that type of hue I only saw on Mars many moons ago, but now, that color was a norm around here. If I didn't see the crimson sand, almost the shade of blood, worrying was in my best interest because that meant another war was about to happen. The blood-red sand would only not be there if an atomic bomb blew more grains into another direction, leaving a big hole in the Earth again.

Those many moons ago, when the sand was still beige, billions of people lost their lives to explosions, rabid mutated animals, and of course, other people. Infection began to take a couple million as well. No medicine meant people didn't get to live and that caused an epidemic. Disease affected everyone that didn't die from the environment itself.

The people that did end up surviving both waves of the apocalypse, bombs and disease, they fought each other for supplies and the medicine that was left. People became inhumane because of the need to survive. What was it that Darwin said: It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.

Adaptable or not, many didn't live and my mother was one of those poor souls that died in the disease portion of the apocalypse. At the time we believed in God, that he would surely help us because we prayed and loved him very much. I stopped believing there was any higher power after all my family died. The only person I believed in was my best mate, Dean—a code name for our new life of ruins. He was the only one who got me through everything and without him I'd be dead by now.

Before the apocalypse, we were just two people in the music industry trying to make it big, but now, we help people to live through this new world. Whether it be fighting off the rabid animals, or killing hostile people who harmed us first, we helped anyone who needed it.

"The remaining supplies we have won't last long," Dean said dumping the few items we carried with us on the tent floor. We slept in this tent during nights and scavenged what we could during the days. It wasn't the dream of music we were hoping for, but it was enough to be living with him. "And our oxygen masks are running out of air. If we don't find supplies and a hospital soon, I don't think we'll make it much farther."

We had a map a few days ago, but the rabid animals that attacked us shredded it into nothing. Dean and I had no way of direction without that map.

"Audrey?" That was my code name. He was James Dean and I was Audrey Hepburn, something we thought of to keep us connected to the past. Old movie actors were our favorite and our musician names. We figured since our old life got shredded with World War III, we might as well make a new version of ourselves, so that's what we did. "Did you hear me?"

"Yeah, I heard. Just thinking is all," I said with my head falling back against my pillow. This situation, surviving off of scavenging, was not ideal in the slightest. Making a new plan on spot when all hope was lost in the previous one wasn't my favorite pastime. "Dean?"

"What's wrong, Audrey?" His forehead was creased in worry as he abandoned the supplies on the ground to attend to me. I didn't realize before, but watery tears were making an appearance in the corner of my eyes. "It's okay."

"But it's not," I say bringing the back of my hand to cover my teary eyes. It really wasn't okay as my voice filled with the most somber expression across my face. I haven't cried sense the apocalypse started and this, right now, feels like my breaking point. "I-it's really not, Hyuk."

Dean seems to pause because I cannot hear his shuffling to get closer to me anymore. Listening to his breathing soothes me, but he feels so far away that I can't hear his airy breaths. I feel extremely miserable crying into the inside of my elbow, however, I don't know what else to do. This is so stressful for me and I still have to come up with a plan to gain supplies without a map.

Before I can speak again, I feel a heavy weight on my chest. Through teary eyes I see that Dean has gently laid his head on my stomach. His face is buried into the softness of my belly for my shirt has ridden up. I blush and look away before he can see my expression. He crawls up further until his face is tucked into the dip of my neck. His nose nuzzles into the crevice much like a mother dog scenting her baby.

Once he pulls back, our eyes connect for hours, in reality it was more like a few seconds, and his lips slowly reach mine. The kiss is gentle and soft much like Hyuk's handsome face against my skin. My hands move to cup his cheeks to bring him closer to me. This feels a bit more intimate than just friends, and I don't know what to make of it but I let the kiss continue.

Dean pulls his lips away from mine again to say one last thing before kissing back once more: "It will be okay. I'll make it okay." And he does. My best mate, Kwon Hyuk, definitely knows how to make everything better with the simplest gesture that can last forever for all I care.

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