retro day • woosan (ateez) PART ONE🐩

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Theme: San and Wooyoung go to the same high school in the eighties where homosexuals are considered "sick". FLUFF!!

jung wooyoung

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jung wooyoung

jung wooyoung

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choi san

**The year was 1984 when I first met the love of my life. He was beautiful, ever since the beginning of my freshman year to the start of junior, that much could never be a lie. I actually got the balls to talk to him at the end of sophomore year when asking him to sign my yearbook. He gave me a full blown smile and a blush took over me. The infatuation I had with him was "horrendous" as my friend, Yunho would put it.

Yunho found out I was gay not too long after we met and completely accepted, not was I was expecting at all. I'd thought he would shun me and tell the whole school his new friend was a homosexual. Then the whole school would tease and harass me for being who I truly was. And the worst of all, my upperclassman would have found out and never, ever talk to me again; he wouldn't have been able to even look at me, it was all in my head, but I truly believed that would happen if I was betrayed by Yunho.

The crazy thing is the infatuation with my upperclassman would have probably continued although everyone thought I was sick and contagious. I would have still been head-over-heels in love with him but just out on accident. It was a terrible thing to envision, but I couldn't help my mind when it traveled to such dark places.

"Wooyoung," the first thing that came to mind was Yunho, he was my only friend as sad as it sounds. I didn't stop for him because he'd catch up, this was a common occasion, he always did. When my name was said again by the same voice, I realized all too suddenly that the voice was, in fact, not my best friend. I whipped around to see a few stranglers that were in the hallway during class time and then him. My heart instantly fluttered at his big grin and bright eyes.

"Y-Yes?" Curse my stutter and stupid faltering and shaky voice. I couldn't meet his eyes, why the fuck couldn't I look into his chocolate eyes? Why couldn't I conform coherent sentences in front of him? And why the fuck couldn't I focus on his words instead of his tight jeans that bunched together between his legs? Quickly, I avert my eyes away from him and instead had a staring contest with the metal lockers. "What c-can I do for you?"

If his grin wasn't big enough already, by now, it was humongous on his small face. Even if I wasn't looking at it, the atmosphere was light because of that smile I secretly cherish. He held a book out to me with a purple cover and binding. Across the violet backdrop read in golden letters "The Picture of Dorian Gray". I raised my eyebrow at the gesture but nonetheless took the book nervously.

"Book report together. Did you read the partner list on the chalkboard?" He said with his hands moving in aspiration. San always looked so handsome doing the smallest of things. "I like this book so you can have my copy, but please don't mind the annotations."

San even annotated his books to figure out what the theme was. If he was cute before, this made him ten times more cuter.

"My address is on the front cover page in blue ink. We should start working on it tonight, yeah?"

Before I knew what I was doing, my head nodded. San smiled and turned to go back to his class while I was left in the hallway speechless. I'm going to San's house tonight.


I cannot go to San's house tonight. Call me a pussy, but he was too perfect and straight for someone like me to go over his house. It's always the straight ones that I catch feelings for.

Keep in mind, I am saying this in my head while riding the city bus to the suburbs. Never have I ever been on this side of town before- where all the rich people live. I got off the bus and felt underdressed immediately, how can you not when housewives were walking their dogs in David Spada jewels and Gucci perfume. The weird looks didn't help either as I was walking down San's street. It wouldn't have been a big deal if we studied at my house instead of his, no one would've noticed.

Once the door was in my view, I hurriedly walked on the porch and knocked a few times. The door opened a few seconds later to reveal San- out of breathe with the same cheesy smile on his face.

"Hey, Wooyoung," he said once he finally could breathe properly again. He opened the door more so that I could squeeze into the opening. Without hesitation this time, I entered his house, a small smile played on my lips. "Did you bring the book, it's my favorite copy."

I outstretched the book from the pile of textbooks in my hands. "How could I not? I needed the address in the cover." The pink that overtook San's cheeks caused my heart to pound in my ears. So he could be cute without trying. "I-I didn't mean to embarrass you!"

He shook his head as if to shake the idea out of my mouth. "Let's head to my room, Wooyoungie."

Apparently it was my turn to blush crimson. I don't remember letting anyone call me that but it sounded so smooth coming from him. I bet anything would sound fan-fucking-tastic coming from the one and only San.


"Have you read 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' before?" we sat down at his well-kept desk when we entered his organized room. It was a far different image than my own room. He held the purple volume up in his soft hands, and he waved it in my face until I gave him the answer. "No, I have not."

"Well, here's the just of it," he begins to explain it in detail but I cannot bring myself to listen to his words. I want to, I want to listen to the summary so bad but I'm distracted. I'm distracted by his beautiful face and exquisite use of words that I'm hearing but not listening to. "I personally think what Dorian did to Sibyl was a dick move. How can you want to marry someone one minute, but when they mess up, not at all? What do you think?"

"Huh?" I should have been listening at least a little bit, just so I could respond to a question like this. I knew I shouldn't have been watching his mouth move and not hearing the words coming out.

"Were you even listening to me, or were you too busy staring at my lips?" What the actual fuck? Is he a mind reader? Oh no, does he know I'm gay and that I like him? I avert my eyes for the second time today and mutter an "I'm sorry". He's gonna call me a fag and kick me out. He'll tell all the school that I tried to turn him gay and that I am sick and need-

"Mmmffhhh," San grabbed my chin suddenly and shoved his lips on mine. His lips are on mine and mine are on his. This isn't real, this has to be a dream; I have had dreams like these though so it's not a surprise. Dream or not, a kiss is a kiss.

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