she's a human? • zhong chenle (nct dream)😚

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Theme: The year is Circa 4040 and humans have spread out across the galaxies. Finding shelter in homes that are not there's, as per usual, all while causing the people of preoccupied planets to get a culture shock. Chenle is among the natives of a planet called Assassinine whom hate humans. That is until he meets a special human girl that catches his heart.

**Humans were filthy. That was the only thing Chenle seemed to remember about the beasts. They were disgusting beings that caused so much damage to his home planet when they wanted to explore. To conquer. To take and gain something that wasn't there's to begin with. To enslave people that were different, unique even. To take take take.

Humans took Chenle's home, his family, and turned it into something unrecognizable, disgusting. Something so far from normal that it made him angry. So angry at a race. Feeling so terribly wrong because he wanted revenge and to avenge his people. He wanted to kill humans, all of them, until her. She was the only reason why he didn't because she was pure. A human that was pure, "go figure" he thought when he first met her, she could end the wars.

The wars were terrible but had begun because of humans. They wanted to take Chenle's planet so his people rebelled against them. They took control again. Took their planet back into the palms of their hands. Protecting it from the dirty, filthy hands of every last human.

But she could end them with her beautiful, soft lips and her silky hair. Her delicate hands and generous heart. Her gorgeous soul. She could save us.

Chenle met her a few years ago when he was wandering on the outskirts of Human District 3. He watched her through the wire fence get thrown out of her house by her father. Chenle watched as her father spoke harshly to her and let the rainy day take form on her body. She was shivering out of being cold and wet along with the tears running down her face. Chenle couldn't understand the language the humans spoke but he could tell that what the man was saying wasn't pleasant. She was crying too hard and then the man shut the door in her face, locking her out of the comfort and warmth of the house.

The girl picked up a wet bag, that must have been thrown out before, and walk toward the opening in the fence. She got closer to where Chenle was hiding, but he didn't make his presence known. He watch her walk slowly right past him. She was sniffling and hugging her body to retain some kind of warmth to her.

There was an Aolan Tree, the homeland tree of Assassinine, a few yards away from both of them. She spotted it first and walked over, hiding under the bushy leaves as to not get soaked anymore. The droplets hit the leaves and bounded in the other direction of the girl. She sat under the tree with her head tucking into her knees, sobbing harder than before.

At this point, Chenle couldn't bear watching her cry any longer. He removed himself from the shadows of the wire fence and carefully walked toward the girl. She didn't notice him, for no one can hear over their loud sobs, when he walked over. Chenle stood their for a few seconds before coughing to grab her attention. She jumped out of her skin and pushed herself fully against the tree. She looked frightened of Chenle, mostly because she saw the black crescent in the middle of his forehead that labeled him as an Assassin. He raised his hands in a surrendering sort of gesture, telling her he wasn't going to hurt her.

Saying something in his language, Chenle stopped because he thought she couldn't understand. When she spoke back in perfect Assassinine, he was shocked and impressed at the same time. He looked around quite comically; then, he stared at her with wide eyes.

"What's wrong? Oh wait—you can't understand me..."

"Yes, I can. I speak Assassinine," she said, drying the wet tears on her cheeks. She smiled slightly at Chenle's expression. "I studied it all summer. I'd say I'm okay at it now."

Chenle really couldn't believe it. A human, out of all beings, took time to learn the Assassinine language. It was phenomenal to him. Unspeakable a few seconds ago, but here this human girl is learning his language. He smiles back rather delicately for she is still sad and cold.

"I bet you're freezing. Follow me and, I will help you."

She hesitated a moment too long, still weary of the black birthmark borne onto his skin. The marking centered on his clear, pale forehead. The girl has heard terrible things about the select few of natives with the special marking on their skin, but she was curious. This human girl was curious about this alien boy who wanted to help her when all her people have done is caused harm. It's unfathomable to her, but on the other hand, she is grateful.

When she finally decides to cooperate, the boy extends his hand for her to get up. She wraps her soft, delicate fingers around his hand only to feel a shocking pulse shoot through her. Chenle feels it, too, and is stunned to his spot. The shock causes their knees to give in; and suddenly, they are kneeling face to face with the rain pattering all around them. They looked very intimate at the moment caught in the rain.

As a human, the girl has never felt such a sensation but the boy knew all too well what just happened. "No way in hell. This can't be happening right now. Impossible."

Chenle's words would have been more intimidating if he was on his feet yelling, but his breathe is cut short from the feeling that's passing through him as well as the whisper to his voice. The girl responded with a quiet "what?" to find out what-the-hell just happened when Chenle catches her looking from his eyes to his lips. His heart flutters faster and the shocking becomes just a bit more pleasurable.

"I almost forgot you're not Assassinine, so you don't know what this feeling is. I should explain, but don't be freaked out. I'm not doing it, it's fate. You can't fuck with fate. By the way, I don't know your name."

"Just tell me, and my name is Y/N."

The girl, again, looks from the boy's beautiful black eyes to his plump pink lips. She watches as his other hand moves to the place where her hip meets her waist. She tenses but doesn't tell him to stop as another wave of shock rushes over her and more rain batters onto their skin.

"I'm Chenle, and this is really awkward for me to explain while I can't move away from you. The reason for this is our molecules in our bodies are getting to know each other right now. This always happens when you touch your 'inamorato', well for me my 'inamorata'."

"Chenle, what's an 'inamorato'?"

"Soulmate," he says in perfect English. "It's the one word I know in Human."


"Yeah, you're my soulmate, Y/N."

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