best party of the century • ot7 (bts) PART ONE❌

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Theme: The boys meet you at a party. They take you home and have an orgy. The night ends with you and seven perfect boys in the same bed. Requested by bby_girl_niah . Whats with you guys and SMUTTT! Lmao. Can't deny that I like it though.

**The party you went to was noisy and filled to the brim with alcohol, drugs, sex, you name it. Anything circulating your mind right now, it was probably there along with a whole bunch of delinquents doing them. When you first got invited by a complete and utter stranger, you didn't think much of it. You just wanted to let loose and fuck someone you didn't know or care to get to know. It was a sex party after all.

Sex party- a party where the only good think was the pleasure of alcohol, drugs, and most importantly, sex. Some called it an orgy party, but not everyone participated in the orgy part. Most fucked everyone but some only fucked one, the prunes.

Everyone was clean of STDs, they weren't allowed at the party if they had a disease. Because of this, no condoms were required, but one of the women always ended up pregnant by the end of the night.

Anyway, back to how you got there. By an Uber, like a normal person. You entered the place rather quickly, you're guessing the time convenience having to do with your looks. Pretty girls/boys get pretty treatment.

The see-through shirt wrapped about your chest like a perfect condom. Nipples were standing at attention as the cold air hit the warmth of your torso. Ass pushed up by the tight material of your skinny jeans. Black and slivery-glittery mixing to make the perfect combo.

The glittery gloss you wore on your mouth caused the light to bound off of kissable lips. Stares settled on your beautiful form not too long after entering. Everyone wanted to get the party started already when you walked in. And as if making it worse and more people impatient, seven incredibly hot guys walked into the sex club.

When the word hot was used, the author wasn't fucking around. Sultry and powerful as they took long strides into the joint. Everyone wanted to jump the eight of you, and as if sensing a piercing beauty's stare, they turned and saw you. They stopped in their tracks immediately after spotting you, you did, too.

That's when everything went to shit for the other people in the party. Everyone was hoping to get they're attention, to get fucked by one or two, but they didn't get that. You were the only one they wanted, and you were the only one they got. Their long strides started to make its way over to you standing in the corner. Curse long legs for making their journey as short as possible.

"Hello, Beautiful~" the man with bubblegum pink hair and plush lips spoke first. He was a pretty boy, that much you could tell, but he had a certain dominance that surrounded him. It was hot- the way he spoke to you with authority, and the way his body push against you. "I'm Jimin."

Before you could introduce yourself, another man, taller than the previous one and black locks, cut him off. He was handsome- more handsome than any man you have ever laid your eyes on. The confidence that radiated off of him was too high and reminded you of lowkey arrogance. The way he carried himself left you breathless. "And I'm Jin, you really are beautiful."

A blush settled on your cheeks as the next man added to that compliment. He had vibrant blue hair that brought out his blue contacted eyes. The shirt he wore was silk, just as all of the men, but his exposed more chest and made your thighs clench. His voice was deep and silky- just as the dip and material of shirt he wore. The look he gave just yelled sex. "And adorable. How can one person be so cute, and I'm V by the way."

You knew it wasn't his real name, which was smart of him to do. A letter works as a pseudonym for most.

As you were thinking about your fake name, a hand grazed the side of your hip. You flinched at the touch and looked into the eyes the hand belonged to. His eyes were sharp and brown as he eyed you with, what seemed like, menace. He was pale and his hair was an abnormal shade of green, mint-like if you will. His voice was deep and held a certain seriousness to it. "The name's Suga, babygirl." You swooned, names like that always made you mush in the hands of the user.

Another man's hand found its place on your other hip and the tingle between your thighs got stronger. He had a sweet voice to match his face and was a lot buffer then the seven men in front of you. His black fringe covered his eyes as he wore a smirk as big as the world on his face. "They call me Jungkook, but you can call me Daddy."

"D-daddy?" you spoke softly and just as you did an arm shot out and hit the wall beside your head. It caused the two boys at your side to move quickly without complaint. The man, now in front of you, let a low growl emerge from his mouth as he pressed his lower half against your thigh. You visibly gulped at his size and arched into him. "Ah-hh~"

"I'm J-Hope, but yeah, what Jungkook said. Call me daddy," the dominance radiated off of the redhead more than Jimin and Suga combined. What kind of name was J-Hope anyway? You wanted to ask him, to get a rise out of the dom in front of you. That thought left your mind as the last and final hot guy came into view.

His stature gave the vibe of leader, and his voice had a commanding tone to it. If you thought any of the others were a dom, he was the dom-dom. The extra dom that could dom any other dom, even the one pressed against you. As the man tapped J-Hope's shoulder, everything seemed to pass in slow motion. He moved and the DJs words floated in the room as the last man came up to you.

"Let's get this party started!" the DJ said turning the rage music on and everyone began to get freaky. Anxiety and nervousness pulsed through you as your eyes scanned the followers in the crowd. No one was looking at you anymore as the 'go' was given. Fingers gripped at you chin and you noticed the man in front of you. His eyes searched yours as if he was looking for any unwillingness in them.

"Yeah, let's get this started, shall we, beautiful?"


This is a long ass chapter and part two is gonna be long, too. So much sex and so many people to write about doing these lustful acts. Oh me, oh my...

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