he loves me • lee taemin (shinee) 😚

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Theme: Taemin is your cute boyfriend, and he wants to spend his life with you. He has everything planned out until you want to change colleges suddenly instead of going with him. Requested by bby_girl_niah .

**From: Taemin

To: Y/N

"College had always seemed like a stretch when I was talking about my future with you. I wanted to marry you already, and we were just fresh out of high school. Now that I have you, the person of my dreams, since freshman year to be exact, I never want to let go of you. I want to marry you, Y/N. Terribly so. I just didn't anticipate you changing our plans since the beginning to go somewhere so far away.

I know you have always wanted to go to Northwestern University and didn't think you would have been accepted, but all our plans are down the drain. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, but how will I do that when you're so far away."


You loved Taemin with all your heart, you still love him with all of it, but this college is extremely important to you. You figured Taemin would understand that, and that he would let you make your decision without him. He got a scholarship to the local university in Seoul and you both planned to go there. That was until you got the acceptance email from the Northwestern University.

Northwestern always seemed out of reach, even more so since you fell in love, and getting that email was the best day of your life. You screamed at the top of your lungs and startled your boyfriend on the couch. He was frantic trying to figure out what was wrong, and you told him about the email. Shoving the screen in his face, you were so giddy you jumped in his lap and kissed his lips. He was surprised, both about the email and the kiss, but he gave in. When you pulled away, you smiled and read over the email one last time.

"What are you going to do?" Taemin's words were so sudden you didn't realize it was him speaking. You shrugged, turned you phone of while tossing it to the side, and laced your arms around his neck. "Y/N, we have to talk about it."

"I don't know yet. It's just the beginning of summer; I don't have to decide until the middle of summer. Calm down, baby."

Taemin was worried. You could tell by the creases in his forehead; lines of worry from being with you he always joked. You took your thumb to his forehead and massaged until they were gone, and he was looking at you. Your chest was pressed against his as you ran your other fingers through his hair.

"It you want to go to Northwestern we have to plan. I don't really want you to go so far away."

"You don't want me to go?"

"Of course I don't. I love you too much to be long distance," he said burying his face into your chest. He inhaled your scent and buried his face further into you. "Please don't go."

"Taemin..." You grabbed his cheeks between your palms and brought his face to yours. You kissed the tip of his nose. "It would only be ten months, and I'd come back for breaks too."

"So you're going?" He said with his cheeks pushed up between your hands. He shrugged your hands off, and they fell to your sides. His eyebrows furrowed, and he pushed you gently to the side so he could stand. "But we made plans. We made plans and you're ruining them."

"Taemin don't raise your voice at me," you said with annoyance lacing your tone. "If I was going, why can't we go long distance for a little bit? It's not like we'd be too far away."

"Y/N, I'd say a different country is too far away," he said while pacing the floor. His fingers were laced together as they rested on the top of his head. He was panicking for some reason that you had seldom care for at the moment. "Definitely too far away."

"Taemin, look. I love you so much, but college is important. This is an important decision I have to make with or without you. If I want to go to a college in the Bermuda Triange, you have to support me. It's what a good boyfriend does."

"So you're calling me a bad boyfriend for wanting the love of my life close to me? I'm a bad boyfriend for following our plans!? I can't right now."

"Where are you going," you said with urgency as you watched Taemin retrieve his keys from the coffee table. You reached out and grabbed his arm but he pulled away rather harshly. "Stop, don't leave."

He didn't listen to your pleas as you watched his retreating figure open the door. The door slammed behind him, and you flinched at the sound. Your eyes got watery, but you held it in. Mama ain't raise no bitch.


It seemed like hours until you were finally able to close your eyes to sleep. It was already midnight but you couldn't find it in you to fall asleep in Taemin's bed. You should have went home when he left but you didn't want to leave angry without apologizing to your love first. He left at about 5:00 and hasn't been back. You are extremely worried at this point.

As you think about earlier, you tug the covers up to your nose the smell the leftover residue of Taemin on his sheets. You feel sad and want nothing more than for your boyfriend to be cuddled up with you. His stomach pressed against your back with his chin tucked into your shoulder. With the scent and imagine of Taemin, you fall asleep.

A few hours later, you are awakened by the sound of the bedroom door closing softly. You see Taemin's shadow but you don't tell him you're awake, only so you can see what he does. He sniffles before crawling in next to you and gently wrapping his arms around your waist. His face tucks into your neck and you can feel wet tears. Your heart clenches as you listen to his whisper apologies.

"I'm sorry for being immature. I just don't wanna lose you. You can go wherever you want, but please just don't forget me."

You place your warm hands on top of Taemin's cold ones that are situated on your stomach. You caress his hands that feel as if he punched glass: Tender and sore. You turn your head to kiss your boyfriend on the temple before snuggling into his arms.

"I could never forget you, Taemin Lee."

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