abort mission • park jimin (bts) 🐩

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Theme: Jimin and Y/N (femalereader!) are a high school couple that forget to protect during sex. Y/N gets pregnant and can't afford anything to help. Her as well as Jimin's parents are super strict and must get out before it's too late. Requested by bby_girl_niah .

**This wasn't in the fucking plan. Getting pregnant at fucking 16 was not in the fucking plan—both kinds. It wasn't in my sexlife or college plan. I wasn't supposed to have a baby with my boyfriend until after college and when we got married. I'm still a kid myself, and Jimin and I are having a baby.

As I sit in the bathroom floor with the positive pregnancy test in front of me, I pinch my arm to see if this is real. It is; that pinch fucking hurt. I feel angry at myself more than anything. I chose to let Jimin fuck me without a condom, and I decided to let him come inside of me. The birth control didn't work. It didn't work, and I feel so angry at myself.

I start to cry when I see those two lines over and over again. How could I do this to myself? I cannot blame anyone but me because I let him. I let my boyfriend fuck me.

"Y/N," it's Jimin. I told him I needed to go to the bathroom while we were at lunch, but I didn't tell him what for. It feels like an infinite amount of time has just passed before my eyes staring at two red lines. He softly knocks again and this time I can't sniffle my cries. I cry out for him, and he slams the school bathroom door open. He looks to the ground and sees me, and then he sees the test. He, quite literally, pauses. "Is that—?"

My tears are soiling my clothes as I tuck my face into my inner elbow. I'm hyperventilating, definitely, as I feel my breathe becoming heavy and hard to complete. Jimin scoops me up in his arms and rubs my back soothingly. He feels like home, and I let all the emotions bashing against my brain poor on him.

"It'll be okay. I promise, okay? I'll take care of you baby."


It was okay, and Jimin did take care of you during the entirety of your pregnancy. Once your parents found, there wasn't much room for discussion on the problem. They told you that you couldn't see your boyfriend, the father of your baby, anymore nor could you go to school anymore. It was too bad for you they said. That you shouldn't have had sex in the first place. That you shouldn't have had a boyfriend in the first place. That it was your fault that you got pregnant for not being able to keep your legs shut.

All those hurtful statements and beliefs that your family said made you ashamed. That same night you packed your bags, you couldn't handle this. You had a lot of savings from your job for college but now that that plan was fucked, you decided to get an apartment with the money. You had to; you couldn't live in this house. You needed to finish school and see the father of your child—you had to.

Jimin and you paid for the apartment with savings. Your boyfriend wanted to drop out of high school, but you convinced him not to. Just because you could not go to college yet does not mean Jimin couldn't. You told him he had to finish high school and go to college—online even if he had to.

A few years later, Jimin and you lived in a rented house with your child, a baby boy, Jamal. He was absolutely adorable. He was mixed and so beautiful with light brown eyes. His chubby cheeks matched those of your boyfriend—now fiancé's—as they pushed up into the crescents of his eyes when he smiled. He favored your future husband so much that it made you so happy. They only thing of your's that he had was your skin tone and toes. You took note of that as you got Jamal ready.

Jimin's graduation for college was tonight, and you and Jamal were invited of course. You and your child were, for obvious reasons, the only ones to get an invitation to watch Jimin walk across that stage. His parents ended up kicking him out for getting you pregnant, wanting no part in premarital baby birth. Hints as to why they weren't invited to your fiancée's achievement ceremony.

You arrived at the venue the ceremony was held at and found your seat. Soon after, the graduation took place and all the graduates flooded into the space. You see Jimin's blond hair before his face and smile brightly as you point to Jamal's father. The three year old looks around before spotting his daddy and shouts. Jimin instantly turns around while holding his graduation cap in place. He sees the both of you and grins the exact same way Jamal is smiling. You swoon and feel the butterflies swarm your stomach. You take Jamal's tiny little hand and wave to your fiancée. He blows a kiss and sits as soon as the valedictorian tells everyone to sit down.

The speech is given and the names are called, you screaming extra loudly when Jimin Park is called. The ceremony is concluded and, Jimin runs over to the pair of you. With open arms, he swoops Jamal up and kisses all over his cheeks. The toddler laughs uncontrollably until the kisses transfer over to your face. It's your turn to giggle and kiss him back on the lips.

"I'm officially a graduate. I think I deserve more kisses."

"Oh yeah?" You tease him and pull Jamal back over to you, propping him further up your hip. You kiss his cheek instead of Jimin's lips—Jamal being a mama's boy more than a daddy's boy—which cause your fiancé to pout. You give up and kiss his pouty lips. "And maybe more."

"I need to graduate more then I guess," he says rather mischievously as you walk away with Jamal. Your toddler, being tired, with his head on your shoulder pushing his cheeks up more. "Can I get some candy when we get home?"

"Maybe if you do the dishes for a week."


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