compelled • kim taehyung (bts) PART ONE🌚

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Theme: Kim Taehyung is a vampire that finds his mate at a young age. (okayyyy so this is kinda like my story 'Halfblood' except no marks to tell if someone's a vampire. The vampires are born like regular humans, growing and eating, until they hit a certain age when they need blood to survive and stop aging.) inspired by a tae vampire edit that was too hot to fathom.

**The world you live in is full of other-worldly phenomenons that are simply unexplainable. Like mutants, superheroes, and monsters. Everything changed after the monsters that most little girls fear, began living amongst humans.

Being a small and naive child, you wanted to believe that all of those monsters have feelings, too. It turned out, they do, but you learned humans didn't. That word 'humanism' meant nothing to you anymore when you saw so called 'humans' kill an innocent family of werewolves.

A different species that just wanted to be treated equally, out in the open, instead of being looked at like monsters. Monsters is just a term — a terrible term, that is used to define people that are evilly different. Evil not being the right word because those 'monsters' were more human that the own race.

Your best friend when you were little was a werewolf. Her name was Luna, and she told you her status immediately after meeting you. You were in awe of everything about her because you had never met a werewolf before.

Although your family was terrified of 'monsters' —whatever that term means, you weren't. Curiosity circled everything you did growing up, and finding out what this term 'monsters' meant was no exception. So you befriended Luna, you were friends for five years until suddenly you weren't. She was dead and you watched it happen. You were held back as the humans brutally murdered her family in cold blood, setting fire to her house across the street from yours.

As you watched the flames engulf your friend and her family, you saw him. Standing in the much taller crowd with a hood covering his pale face. He didn't try to stop them — even though he could with his super-speed and super-strength that you didn't know he had at the age of thirteen. You wanted to get to know this mysterious guy that did nothing, no yelling or shouting for monsters to disappear, and certainly no expression. His eyes seemed to watch the men gripping your arms tightly with an almost menacing glare. It made a pain emerge from your chest: the way he was looking at them and your murdered best friend.

After awhile, once the men let you go and the flames started to die down, everyone left except you and the boy with menacing eyes. He slowly approached you as tears were still streaking down your young face. He kneeled next to you taking his thumb to wipe away your tears.

"Don't cry," his voice was lower than you expected for what looked like a thirteen year old boy. Now that he was closer, he was a lot paler than before like he hadn't eaten in days. "Luna is in a better place, now."

You wanted to ask what better place, but then thought against it. Maybe he believed in a higher power that you didn't. Judging someone you just met wasn't who you were.

Instead you cried harder and he hugged you, you didn't know him but you felt connected to him. And you can't ever forget the boy who comforted you when your only friend was killed.

Five more years pass, almost six, you finally see him again. You're eighteen, now and god, does he look extra hot. You know it's him— even though he looks completely different, because his staring at you with that same blank expression and menacing eyes. It makes you yearn for his fingers wiping your tears away again.

The place you see again isn't that surprising, it's a club for 'monsters'. The term gets on your nerves but the werewolves, vampires, and warlocks use the word to identify themselves. The once boy, now man, is sat in a corner booth with many women in less-imaginable outfits surrounding him. A wave of jealousy runs through your veins— which is stupid, you have no right to be jealous. You don't even know him well, but you get the urge to make him feel the same way: hot, bothered, and jealous. So you look around for a hot monster to grind on as the upbeat music plays.

You instantly find a hot guy who's close enough to you that no one thinks you were searching on purpose. You assume he's a vampire because of the paleness of his skin. Your assumptions are right when you grind on him and he pulls your back flush against his chest. His tongue grazes your neck. and you feel compelled not to move away. Your eyes drift over toward the boy and you find he's not there anymore. Instead he's beside you, at the speed of light, pulling the guy away from you with a harsh yank. A growl rumbles from his throat, which cause the unknown guy to retreat with his head bowed.

The next thing you realize, the alcohol and drug of being so close to a vampire using their compelling powers, you pass out and fall into the arms of the man in front of you. He hasn't said a word and doesn't get to as you are metaphorically dead to the word in his arms.

You don't remember anything else from that night except the glaring eyes of a man, and the feeling of his arms wrapped around your waist. When your eyes open, you get a glimpse of the room your in. You lay down, tucked in a bed, and see a chair propped on the wall in the corner. You can't clearly see the face of the silhouette in the chair, but you can sense the person. The only person it can be is the one's touch you can still feel burn on your hip.

"Are you awake, now?"

A deep voice echoed throughout the nearly empty bedroom. The same low sound you remember from childhood, a familiar voice from just mere hours ago. The same burning touch throbbing on your waist at the sound of him.

to be continued...

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