fangs • kim taehyung (bts) PART TWO❌

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Theme: Kim Taehyung is a vampire that finds his mate at a young age. This was definitely really hot to write. Took me awhile, too!

**You sit up immediately when he's spotted, almost as if you were shocked at his presence. His eyes shined dark brown as you get surprised and caught completely off guard. He is still just a mere silhouette in the darkness engulfing the room.

"Who are you?" You asked, which is by far, the most silliest question. You know exactly who he is, except for his name that is. Maybe he will answer you with his name or what he is just for confirmation.

"My name is Taehyung Kim," he says getting up from his corner chair. He approaches the bedside slowly, and gets close enough to reach out and touch you; although, he doesn't. Then, suddenly it clicks. His last name is Kim, which is a name only vampires from the Kim Clan hold. He is a vampire, and it makes perfect sense. The growl, speed, and beauty that he showed off at the club. "And you are?"

"You know who I am," you answer with a smile on your face. He must have been watching over you since you were small. He surely must know your name, but it won't hurt to just say your title. "But, my name is Y/n."

Taehyung smiles, a blinding beam, and this time actually reaches out to touch your hand. Jolts of electricity are send through your body when his hand touches you. A reflex causes you to grip his wrist tightly and pull him closer. There's an ache in your stomach, but with him moving closer, it soon fades into nothing.

"Are you my mate?" you ask him, making sure to move him as close as possible. Strands of his silky hair tickle your cheek with his close proximity. You know the answer to his question; how could you not when it's something you can feel.

His eyes seem to dilate at the question and closeness of your body. He gawks over you, scanning every curve and blemish with awe. With a nod of his head, your question is answered and he leans into you. Lips connect in the heat of the moment, and soon he's hovering over you. A leg between your thighs, and mouth ghosting yours as he lets out a groan.

"Fuck, a long time I've been waiting for this moment," he says pulling away when you grind up into him. You want to ask him how long it's actually been, so you do question it. His forehead presses against yours as he speaks. "Since hitting puberty. I want to say since meeting you but I knew you before puberty."

You smile at his honesty. It could be the whole 'soulmate' thing that's causing this unholy happiness, but it is definitely Taehyung Kim. Everything always escalates too quickly, but with Taehyung it feels just like the right amount of speed. So you grab his shirt collar, pulling him to you. Engulfing his everything: his scent, his taste, and just him in general.

"I want you but I also want this to last. I don't know why though," You say with a furrow of your eyebrows. This desire spreading through your entire body is sending you into a frenzy. The unexplainable actions are really fueling a gurgle in the pit of your stomach.

Suddenly, Taehyung's thumb is rubbing the space between your eyebrows. He is trying to loosen the tension, and your assumptions are true when he speaks again. "Don't worry. It will last because we're soulmates. But, we don't have to do anything if you're not ready."

He goes to move away from you, off of the bed, but you don't let him. You pull him against you further and connect the little space between. His lips combine perfectly with your own as saliva is exchanged. He lets himself growl into your mouth as your knee pushes against his sensitive manhood.

"Believe me, I'm ready," you mouth at his lips, pushing them apart with yours. His tongue pokes out of his mouth in concentration as he feels everything you are doing to him. The swipe of your pink muscle against his ear sends him grinding down into your knee. "Definitely am ready for you."

At the sentence leaving your mouth, he uses his speed and strength to remove everything from your body and fast at that. You are left in front of him, completely naked and shaking with anticipation. Whatever drinks you had earlier have totally left your metabolism, leaving you excited and sober.

"Are you sure I am what you want?" Your head nods as your bare chest leans into Taehyung. He is naked as well, you being too occupied to notice before, so bare chest against another bare chest. The skin contact is making shivers travel throughout your human body.

Taehyung is hard against your thigh, and he strokes himself a little to relieve his aching. His gaze as he rubs his member is causing your arousal to pool between your legs. He wants to make sure this is exactly what you desire before pounding into you, only to have you cry. He doesn't want that- only wants you to be happy, so he asks once more. You reply with another nod, and he takes his chance.

You are unbelievably wet, which isn't a surprise seeing as that happens when smelling your mates' arousal. It happens with all 'monsters' in this world and apparently humans, too. Since you are so slick, Taehyung puts himself into you very slowly, almost achingly slow. Clenching around him, you moan out at the alien feeling.

You aren't sure what to do with your hands, so you settle running them through Taehyung's silky hair. Tugging his locks a bit when he hits a spot that sends you arching up, your legs circle his body.

"A-ah!" His dick is penetrating to the depths of you. You can feel him in your stomach and feel the bulge of him. Right there, in you, you see the outline of his cock moving as he moves. You gaze moves to him- you see him lazed back on his hind legs looking exactly where you were before.

Thinking that this was supposed to hurt, you were shocked to feel absolutely no pain as he entered. Probably had something to do with Taehyung being your mate or whatever. And as if speaking too soon, he started to literally expand inside. Growing twice, maybe even thrice the size he was when he entered beforehand. It hurts but at the same time, it doesn't. You wanted this and your arousal causes you to ache for it.

Again, the outline of Taehyung through your stomach sends you buckling up, arching your back off of the bed. Your tits are jiggling at the force of the vampire's thrusts, and you want him to fuck you harder.

"Tae-" the nickname rolls off your tongue with a groan. 'Tae' slows his speed and instead of focusing on the bulge of your stomach, he looks to your face. You must look unbelievably sexy right now because he can't even look at you with out edging himself. He stops moving altogether to prevent himself from coming too early. You whine and grab his shoulders pulling him down so your chest is flat against his. Missionary- people called the position.

Something comes to your mind: him biting you while you both climax. Sounds crazy but wouldn't it feel so damn good. So when Taehyung starts fucking you again, you say exactly what was on your mind. "Bite me."

He moans. You're taking aback at the brutally sexy sound. He actually does make noise during sex. This whole time he's been holding his sounds in. Holding back these beautiful, teasing, and fucking filthy noises. So you say it again in a more assertive voice, because maybe he'll comply if you are stern and dominate. And he does listen to you. His teeth puncture your neck, right into your jugular, sending an extra wave of pleasure throughout you. He sucks the blood out of you, and you feel and taste so fucking good to Taehyung.

The lust combined with the bite is what causes your climax to make an appearance. And as if sensing the 'are soulmates really real' question circulating the back of your mind, Taehyung is coming with you, teeth still in your neck.

As he removes his humongous- might anybody add- dick, he also retracts his teeth. He licks at the blood dripping down your neck, and you shiver. That was literally the best sex anybody could have.

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