Chapter 23:Bust Your Windows

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This chapter is dedicated to some really amazing people!! Some of my best friends, who I chose to include in my story!! The characters Sylvia, Savannah, Cassie, Travis and Andy are some of my actual friends. Andy and Travis...The characters who dance with Jess, are my real life dance partners. I truly am a Ballroom dancer! I've been doing ballroom for about 3 1/2 years now. And I love it!! If you guys want to know more about my love for ballroom, feel free to ask. :)

After our little shopping spree, we head to the food court. We all split up and go to our fav restaurants. Bells heads off to the subway, and I go towards the Starbucks. I get myself a drink and I get Shawn one too. "Hey Jess, I went over to In-N-Out and got you a burger and some fries."Shawn says, holding a bag out to me. I take the bag and hand Shawn his drink. "Here, I got you a White Chocolate Mocha...and I got myself a Caramel Flan Latte."I reply.

We head back outside and get in our cars. We say our goodbyes,and go our separate ways. Me and Bella drive back to my place. We pull up into my driveway,and collect our things. We take our things inside my house, and head upstairs to my room so we can get ready for the night time festivities. I change into my new bodycon dress, and Bells changes into her party dress. We do each other's hair and makeup. Because we're both only 17 years old....and I already have a boyfriend, we choose to keep our makeup light and natural. We take a few pics together....and Bells posts some on Twitter and instagram.

We head down to my kitchen for a pre-party snack and drink. "So girl, ready to go party and celebrate 17 years of life?"Bells asks, proposing a toast. "Oh heck yeah! To 17, to life well lived."I yell, raising my glass. We finish our drinks and head outside. The minute we walk out onto my front porch, I notice that there's a giant stretch limousine parked on the curb right in front of my house. "What's this? What's going on Bells?"I spit out, in utter confusion. "Suprise!!! Happy B-day Bae! Love you girl."She smiles.

We climb into the limo,and the driver takes us to go pick up some other friends. We've picked up Kian and the rest of O2L, Andrea Russet, Bethany Mota, Bells bf Tristan, and other friends. We all take a couple drinks and play some games. The O2L boys start some drinking games. We soon pull up in front of the Avalon. "What are we doing here?"I pipe up, in utter shock. "Relax Jess, just relax."Kian replies, putting his arm around me.

We all get out of the limo, and Kian wraps a bandana right around my eyes. "Can you see anything through the-"he asks. "Nope."I answer. "Alright,well I'm gonna be leading you to the surprise."Kian responds, placing his hands on the small of my back and around my waist. I let Kian lead me inside the Avalon. "Alright Jess, I need you to take a step up."he guides.

"Okay now Jess, I'm going to take your blindfold off. However I need you to keep your eyes shut."Kian warns. "I promise."I quickly answer. I feel the piece of fabric fall from my face. "Okay, open your eyes now, Jess!"Kian whispers. I open my eyes and find myself standing there in the darkness. "Kian? Guys?"I call out. I hear hushed whispers. All of a sudden, I hear and see all the ones that I love jump out and yell,"surprise!" I look around at the ones I love and my heart swells with joy. "Happy Birthday Jess! Sorry I couldn't be there with you this morning."Cole says, walking closer. "You did all this?!"I question, in pure shock. "Well....with the help of your best friend bells here of course! Do you like it?"he smiles. "Of course I do! You guys are THE BEST!"I compliment, bringing them in my embrace.

Some time later, it comes time to cut the cake. Shawn leads everyone in a rendition of "Happy birthday". Pieces of cake are dished out, and then we all hit the dance floor. I'm dancing with Andrea,Bethers, and other friends....when Bells walks up with a group of people. I instantly recognise them as friends from school back home.

"Oh my gosh! Sylv, Vannah, cassie, Travis, Andy!! It's so great to see you guys! How's things been back home?"I exclaim. Each one individually hugs me. Andy's hug is the longest. His hugs are so comforting and warm. "We've missed you too girl!"Sylvia and Savannah reply. "How've you been lately, partner? We've missed you tons!"Travis says, kissing my cheek. "Oh I'm sure you missed me, the days after school when you threatened to throw me in the snow, or overthrow me. The concerts and the competitions. And I'm good!"I answer, kissing both Andy and Travis's cheeks.

Suddenly Cole walks over, and looks quite jealous. "Hey Jess! Happy birthday beautiful."he greets. "Thanks Cole! You and Bells truly are So great for doing this!"I stated, hugging him. "Hey Jess, do you still remember the Sleepsong Waltz?"Andy questions,looking at Cole. "Of course I still remember Sleepsong, Andy! I always loved dancing it with you!"I admitted. "And me as well. Out of all the partners I've had, you're by far the best one yet!"he confesses, smiling at me. I turn beet red and smile back.

"Partners?! What's he talking about Jess?"Cole asks, in complete confusion and shock. "Don't you know Cole,I'm a Ballroom Dancer. I've done Ballroom for about 3 1/2 years now!"I declare. "Really?! Like Dancing With The Stars type of dancing?"he wonders. "Yes really! I thought that you knew this Cole! We've been dating for almost 7 months now!"I stammer. "Look Jess, I-I'm S-S"Cole stutters. "Come on Andy, let's go dance!"I blurt.

We head out on the dance floor, and they play Sleepsong. Andy pulls me to the center of the floor. We smile at each other, fall back into position and start to dance the Smooth Waltz routine that our old Ballroom coaches choreographed. Gosh I've missed this guy. As we dance, all eyes are on us. This is why I love the Waltz. The Waltz is a dance of grace. I especially love the Sleepsong, because the dance makes me feel like a princess. "Oh here comes one of the lifts."I thought.

Andy dips me, and then I jump into his arms. He hoists me up above his head and does a lift. He's holding Me above his head and doing a natural turn. When we get into the step, the whole room is in awe. As we exit the lift, Andy is holding me in a almost bridal style position. He places me back on the ground, and we keep on dancing. When the song ends, we graciously bow. Andy pulls me into his embrace, and kisses my forehead. I laugh and sheepishly smile at him. Cole notices and stomps away in jealousy and anger. Oh well, I'm just gonna let him cool off. I'm gonna spend as much time as I can with all my friends and family. 

A while later, the boys come out. Dana, Gabe, Will, Cole and the new member David come onstage. I can sense the sadness in Cole, although he's got a smile on. They come out and start performing their latest songs. Cole looks so different than he normally does. I can tell that he's trying to be strong.

The boys exit the stage about 5 minutes later. And the dj's put the music back on. Everyone goes back to partying. Me and all my friends go back to dancing. Shawn walks over with Mahogany and Jacob. "Jessica, happy birthday girly!"She yells in excitement. "Mahogany! Oh my gosh, how are you?!"I exclaim, jumping up. "I'm great girl! What about you? How's everything going?"Mahogany answers. "It's all great. Music, pretty little liars, dance, it's good."I reply, a big smile on my face.

The cast and crew of PLL finally show up. Lucy, Shay, Trojan, and Ashley rush up to me. "Omg, Jess! Happy 17th girl!"Lucy and Shay declare. "Jess, babe....Happy day of Birth!"Ashley exclaims, hugging me. We have a few drinks and keep on partying. We just party like it's the end of the world,and eventually it his midnight. We all end up back home or in hotels. Or back at my house. The ones who end up at my place are my friends from home, Bethers, the PLL girls, Shawn, Mahogany and Jacob. We all have a few more drinks, and start playing some party games. We play games like truth or dare, Spin the bottle and other games. But not much longer after we start, we all start to crash. One by one we doze off into dreamland.

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