Chapter 25:Paper Hearts

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Hey Guys!!! sorry,it took so long to update!!! I wanted to make this chapter extra good,and fab for you guys!! I really hope you all love this new chapter!! I just wanted to give a special shout-out to the AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL girls who were featured in this chapter!! :) @cbufford, @MnMlove17, @makenzie921,and @Gracianne Love you girls! <3

any who.....On with the story!!! 

(Cole's pov)

It's been almost 5 months since that one day at the park. since that early summer afternoon when Jess decided to take a brake from us. I know that when I told her that I was willing to to give her time,I had a good reason. I only did it because i wanted her to be happy. Jess deserves all the happiness in the world. but now,I'm starting to feel all of the heartache and despair. tell me that all of this is just a dream. I miss Jessica. it's so hard to move on. I still crave her touch,her kiss. I crave it all. I don't want anyone but Jess. she is my life,my whole world.

(Jess Pov)

it's been a while. about 5 months have passed since that summer day. since i ended it,and broke things off with Cole. at the moment in time,I just needed some "Me" time...time to reevaluate my life. and I just couldn't handle things after the events of my special day. i've been landing a lot of roles lately,and also getting even more movie and design offers. I'm also working on my album. I started working on songs with some famous songwriters,but eventually decided to go in a different direction. now,I understand that self writing songs for an album is a bold,risky move...but Shawn did that with his self titled ep. and look where that's got him! shawn,he's touring with famous celebs...and going all around the world. I'm so excited to see what this new direction of life,will do for me.

I'm currently working on a new song. the song is all about my life recently. the song has been a way of therapy for me. all of these feelings that i've had over the course of these past few months,have been put into song. it's so comforting to take the raw emotions inside me,and put them into song. I also feel that way about dance...for me dance has been a way of speaking the inexpressible. when I dance,I'm using my body to speak the words that my mouth,and mind cannot say. yet,even still the more I think about it,the more I start to feel some form of emotion. i feel a bit of heartache. i spend my days off,holed up in my room. my free time is used for living through the pictures of us,and tryin to remember all the good times...the happy,romantic times.

One day,I decide to clean up the he** hole that is my room. I get to one area of my room,and just so happen to come across a bunch of old,but good memories. I find some pictures from our youth,and the many Polaroids that we took all throughout our relationship. I pick one up,and all of a sudden...the memories of that evening rush back to me. I sink down onto my bed,and let the emotions overcome me. the picture in my hand was taken on our 1 year anniversary at the Justin timberlake concert. Cole's idol,his favorite musician in the whole wide world. that night was one of the best. everything felt so right. I was sharing the special night with the one I love.

as i sob deeply,and let the tears fall...some crazy emotions rise to the surface. what on earth was I thinking? how could i do it,how could i do that to Cole?! I lay on my bed,thinking about us and debating what to do. I hear a knock on my bedroom door. I open up the door,and find myself faced with my girls tori,McKenzie,Madison,Alex,kt,Cassie,and then there's also my bestie gracianne. Tori,will's girlfriend. Cassie,Dana's girlfriend. Madison,dalton's ex. Alex,gabe's girlfriend. kt,my best friend from home. Gracianne,dalton's current girlfriend. McKenzie,david's girlfriend. and the girls from pretty little liars. each girl comes inside my bedroom,and hugs me for a long time.we sit down on my bed,and they give me a very sympathetic look.

"Oh girl! what's wrong?! you don't look too good right now."Kt says,trying to console me. "Guys,I've been thinking a lot lately. what if I made the wrong choice in breaking up with Cole? I-I..."I manage to stutter through the tears. Kt comes over and brings me into her embrace. "Oh girl! I'm not the best person to ask...but the most I can tell you,is to follow your heart."Kt sweetly,says. "Yeah Jess,listen to kt. you've taken time over these few months to think about things. only you can be in control of your feelings."Gracianne says,placing her hand on my shoulder. all the other girls look so sad for me.

I stand up,and head into my bathroom. I bend down and search through the cabinets. I finally retrieve a tissue box and bring it back to my bed. "all that i'm going to say Jess,is listen to your heart. i think that i speak for all the cast,when I say...that we just want the best for you. all we want is for you to be happy."Lucy says,trying to comfort me. as i look at all the faces surrounding me,i feel so blessed to have such loving friends and family to support me. "thanks guys! what would I do without you all in my life?!"I cry out,bringing each girl into my embrace. "Uh,suffer...ha ha."tori giggles. "Oh yeah! I would most definitely suffer without you all."I reply,laughing. "So,One Direction movie?"Sasha asks,holding the case up. "Oh heck to the yeah!"Ashley yells,getting out the sweets. we all spend the afternoon watching movies,listening to music,and doing other girly things. I know what I want now. I'm not ready to loose Cole. it was just one argument! am i really going to let that one bad outweigh all the good times we've had?! I always have been and always will be,in love with Cole Alan pendery.

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