Chapter 6

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"Are you sure this is going to work?" Cath questioned. Hatta rolled up a piece of paper and put it in his pocket. "Nope. But we have to try. It's the only option we have." Hatta said flatly. 

"W-What if we can't pull this off. I mean, this is going to put us all in danger."

"Cath, it's going to be fine, we can do this." Jest said trying to soothe her.  "You know, you could just take my heart. We don't have to go through all of this. I know I would be heartless but at least I would have you—"

"Cath, that's  not  an option we are even considering. I would never take your heart." Cath leaned on one hip, crossed her arms, and lifted an eyebrow. "Oh really. Why did you come to hearts in the first place hmm? Jest laugh, "ok, ok. I might have done it  a while back, but that was before I fell in love with you." He said kissing her cheek. "I mean we could consider it." Hatta mumbled under his breath. Jest  gave him a look, and Hatta smiled awkwardly and shrugged. "What?" Jest shook his head and looked back at Cathrine. "Anyway, there is no way I'm taking your heart. So we have to do this."


Hatta, Jest, and Cathrine all walked into the forest. Raven was flying above them, landing on Jest's shoulder once in a while. They arrived at the sister's Well; Elsie, Lacie, and Tillie were all sitting on the edge of the Well.

 "Well, What a surprise!" Elsie Said almost floating as she went toward them, Lacie and Tillie followed her. "Why don't you come sit with us?" Said Tillie gesturing to the well. "Sorry, love. I'm afraid not this time. We need to get to Chess. Do you mind letting us in?" Hatta said, walking towards the gate. "Well of course, anything for you Hatta." 

"Um, whatever you say, love."  Hatta shrugged awkwardly.

"But you all know, that we need something in return." The three sang together.  Lacie stepped forward. "From the Raven, I would like a feather. Elsie would like a handkerchief from the Hatta. Tillie would like a black button from Jest, and three pins from Cathrine's hair, that keep her hair up." 

"Really? That's all you want?" Asked Jest. "Why yes. We can do many things with even the simplest of objects."

Hatta handed Elsie a handkerchief from the pocket of his vest. Jest ripped a button out of his pitch black shirt, and he helped Cath take her hair out. She had it up in a tight bun, and it was supported with a few pins. 

As he let her hair down, it flowed down just above her waist. It was perfect, it was dark and it glistened in the light. He stroked her hair for just a second before he handed the pins to Tillie. It sent shivers down Cathrine's spine.

 Jest hesitate before plucking a feather from Raven, and he didn't even flinch. Once the three sisters received the objects, the gates to the maze opened. "Lets hope you make your end of the deal, dear Jest. Or it's her heart that has to pay." The sisters whispered as they disappeared into the well.  Jest gulped, before he intertwined His hand with Cathrine's hand. Hatta, Jest and Cathrine all looked at each other and nodded.


They walked in, and the gate closed behind them.  Hatta had found a lantern and a lighter at the entrance; he held the lantern in one hand and handed the lighter to Jest, who put it in his pocket.

They walked for hours, taking turns here and there, going over and under things. Cath and Jest were behind Hatta, who was guiding them. 

Just as when  they came here in the past, Jest did his best to distract Cathrine and kept her entertained with amusing  tricks and flirtatious jokes that made her heart  Skip. They talked and laughed, and Hatta would sometimes join in the conversation every once in a while.

"Jest?" Cath Said, leaning against him. "Yes?" "My feet are killing me..." she looked up at him and made a pouty face; Jest laughed. "Want me to carry you for a while?" She looked at him from the corner of her eyes and beamed. "Yes please," she giggled.

Jest carried her on his back for a while, then he lifted her up to his shoulders. Cathrine felt like a child, and she loved it. 

Raven flew high above them in circles. Hatta suddenly stopped and he sat on the ground. "It's getting late, I think we should stay here for the night." Jest and Cath looked for some twigs, piled them, and Jest took the lighter and and lit it to make a fire. 

They all sat around the fire; Hatta fell fast asleep, and he snores pretty loud. Jest and Cathrine lay on the ground next to each other.  Jest already seemed like he was asleep. 

"Jest, are you awake?" She whispered as she poked his shoulder. He grabbed her wrist softly to make her stop. " I am now," He said.  "Are you ok?" He turned to his side to face her. "Yes. Well, no. I can't sleep, I have to much on my mind." Cath sighed and turned so she could face him too. "Wanna talk for a while?" Jest said, intertwining his hand with hers. "Yeah, maybe," She smiled. They talked for almost an hour, about what Cathrine did when she was a child, and she even learned a bit about Jest's childhood. 

"Hey, um weird question. If I were a flower, what type do you think I would be?"  Cath was a little embarrassed of asking such a random question, but she sincerely wanted to know. Jest put a finger on his lips. "I think you would be... a White Rose. Your perfect, delicate, beautiful. But You also have thorns. You're adventurous, you get into dangerous situations, and you can have quite a temper. And sometimes, lady Cathrine, you are no lady. Have you seen your sword skills? I don't think any lady would fight that good with a sword." Jest said winking. 

He embrace her, Cath's head under his chin. "I love you Cathrine Pinkerton." Jest said kissing her hair. "And i love you, Jest," Cath whispered.

They fell asleep embraced under the stars.

Lol sorry it took me so long to update. And also I posted this at like 10:00 pm so yeah. Hope you enjoyed it!

And also since I was in such a hurry to post it, I didn't add a few things I wanted so I edited something new in there ;)

(Don't get to excited it's just like 1 paragraph )

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