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"Some one is speaking normally"

Someone's Thoughts

'Speaking telepathicly to a person'

*reading an object*

Title of something

Hi. My name is First name: Lea Last name: Kimiko. I work at a sweets shop my family owns called
Psychic Sweets.

Oh, and if you're wondering, they named it after me. Yeah, that's right, I have powers, but I'm not very good at controlling them, so according to my mom, I can only do 50% of what I should be able to. You see, she has a doctorate in medicine, but instead of becoming a doctor, she turned her sweet tooth into her own personal business and With the bonus of keeping a close eye on me, considering I could accidentally knock my glasses off at any minute.

You see, my glasses disable 2 of my abilities, and limits the rest of my powers. Those abilities are control over any element, and the ability to change anyone's mind.

My powers include.....

-Control over Elements
-Change minds

and many more that I should be able to use, but can't.

One day, a group of highschoolers came in and a boy with purple hair came up to the counter.

Wow! What a Hot Babe! She's got such nice curves and....

What a perv.

"what do you want." I say coldly. If my mom was home, she'd make me practice being nice 50 times. When I was little I didn't know how to react to situations, so my mom would have me practice until it came natural to me.

" 8 coffee jellies and your number please. " he said.

"I'm sorry we don't sell to perverts. I can only give you the store number and 7 coffee jellies, but I can't give you anything. " I say.

We actually have no policy, but I hate pervs more than I hate all other humans, so I have no choice but to be sour.

" What! I paid for that!" He said. I just know noticed his money on the counter. Since no one else was in the store, I sat down with them, and even gave the perv a jelly. I made sure that the guy with pink hair got the slightly bigger bowl I placed a note on the bottom of. Then, after he finished it, I took off my glasses, pretending to clean them, and used my control of minds to make him think to take the note and slip it in his pocket.

You see, the whole time I was talking with them, I noticed that he didn't move his mouth when he spoke. Besides that, I couldn't read his mind.

Saiki POV

This waitress.... What's on her mind? I can't read it! Then, as I'm eating my coffee jelly, I feel something weird. Then I look at my arm. It's moving without me telling to. I move my other hand to my head. My antenna are still there.

So why can't I control it? My hand reaches under the glass and grabs a note. Then I realize everyone but the waitress left.

"I guess there was no point in writing the note. I'm Kimiko Lea, and I... Well... Just read the note"

But you just said... Oh what does it matter. I opened the note.

*I noticed something different about you. Do you have phychic powers?*

How did she....?

"That expression on your face must mean you do have powers. I already closed up, follow me." She said, leading me upstairs.

'my parents are gonna wonder about me soon'

"Then we can talk at your house, if you don't mind."

I nod and she grips my hand and we teleported to my room!? But how?! Is she psychic to?!

"Oops, I probably should of let you teleport us... But you were gonna find out anyway. I have some powers of my own." She says.

Then, my parents came into the room.

"Ku! When did you get home! And whose this girl with you!"

I wonder if It's his girlfriend

I just met her like half an hour ago.

I'm not an "it"

for some reason I can hear her thoughts right now.

"My name is Kimiko Lea. I work at the shop not to far from here called psychic sweets, my parents named it after me. You see, I have some psychic power, but according to my mom, I should be able to do way more. A few minutes ago, I asked him if he was psychic, and he said yes, and I got so excited that I teleported here."

They just stood there with blank stares.

"That was a lot to take in at once...." Kimiko says.

' They'll be fine ' I reply.

"WHA SOMEONE IS LIKE KUSUO?!?!?!" My parents scream at the top of their lungs.

" wait, she said she should be able to do more." my dad states.

"Well then what can you do?"

Kimiko looks really tense.

"Actually, that's part of the reason I got so excited. I wanted to ask.... Kusuo was it? Anyway, I wanted to ask him if he could teach me some stuff. I can only do simple stuff. Levitation, Telepathy, etc."

"YOU DIDN'T EVEN KNOW HIS NAME?!?!" My parents yell.

"So, are you willing to help out a fellow psychic?"

For some reason, not because she's a psychic, but for some other reason, I kinda want to help her.

'Fine' I reply.

Maybe it's because she makes a really good coffee jelly, or maybe the fact that she doesn't just look like a skeleton. She looks like a human.

A girl.


"Class today we have a new transfer student. Come in ms.Kimiko."

" I'm Kimiko Lea. Until today my mom has home schooled me because she also owns the sweets shop called psychic sweets. I'm excited to join you all. "

Are you serious?

Normality of a Mind Reader (Alternate Ending to Mind Reader)Where stories live. Discover now