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Summer break has been great so far. I've had a lot more frequent checks at the hospital since what happened with Teruhashi. I wouldn't say I'm doing better, but I'm not coughing up blood, so that's a good thing. Kusuo told me about his conversation with Colin. All of a sudden he decided to send Emi to me and he couldn't even find time to visit me even though I My condition got really bad for a bit. Once they let me out of the hospital a few days later, summer break had begun. The first day I was out of the hospital, Kusuo and I visited Teruhashi's house.

Her brother wouldn't let Kusuo in, so I took Teruhashi to a cafe and Kusuo met us there. Although, he did seem to be happy that there was a girl with Kusuo.

Anyways, All I've done is sit around and keep an eye on our shop while my mom is out doing mom stuff she signs up for on the summer. She goes to parenting groups and stuff, and always invites me to go with.

" The one I go to on weekends has teens your age at it though!" She'll say.

"I have plans with my friends most days," I always respond back. "And what if someone from my school is there? That'd just be awkward."

This year she gets hyped up cause I have actual proof of plans (thanks to Kusuo). Although, he won't train me to use my powers anymore. Especially since the stronger my powers are, the worse my condition gets.

Today is a Wednesday, so I opened shop early. Mom is always gone all day Wednesday and we get more money that way. Anyway kusuo came in and ordered cake because Teruhashi was coming over to his house for cooking lessons with his mom. I guess he didn't feel like talking to her today.

Saiki POV

As Kimiko was handing me a slice of cake, I heard a large sound from upstairs.

' What was that?' I asked

" Kusuo why don't you stay here for a minute. If I'm not back in 15 minutes I'll give you a free dessert of any kind ok?"

I nod and she goes upstairs. I went invisible and followed her, I'm glad she's not toritsika, or else I would get caught. I followed her upstairs and she led to her bedroom. Emu was up there crying because she hit her knee. It was all bruised up from her falling and she was crying. I wonder why she doesn't heal as fast as everyone else.

" Emi! I told you not to run in the house! Don't forget your as klutzy as me." She said, picking Emi up.

" I sawry." Emi says innocently.

" it's ok, let's get you a bath." Kimiko says as she walks right toward me.

She avoids me, letting me know she knows I'm here. She closes the bathroom door and I head back downstairs.

Kimiko POV

After getting Emi into the bath, I go back downstairs to see saiki eating his cake.

" Invisibility huh, and you thought I wouldn't notice." I say. " Sneaky, though you shouldn't spy on girls. Unless, you want to turn out like the purple perv."

' How come Emi's Leg hasn't healed? It's just a bruise.' Kusuo says, finishing his cake.

"Well, see your mind control had no affection on her. So she doesn't heal as quickly as people who were affected. Her hair color wasn't impacted by your mind control either. Even though you and I were for some reason born with pink hair, she's shown signs of possibility having powers even though she has black hair.

'So, you finally want to talk about her.'

"I mean, I might as well let you know. You picked her up from the airport while I was in the hospital and your parents even watched over her while my mom was with me at the hospital." I say. "Emi, is my daughter. Before you jump to conclusions, may I remind you that this is a family friendly Fanfic? Of course I have a different explanation to how it happened."

'Did you adopt her, or what.'

"No. But from what I can tell, when two people with powers kiss it's able to create a child." I say.

'Colin has powers?' Kusuo says, surprised.

"Yep. Though he didn't want me to tell anyone in Japan about it. Right now, telling you about his powers is the kindest way of telling him that he screwed up. I get that it might not be his fault, but he could teleport here and back any time he wanted to. Besides that, he put our daughter on a plane with a stranger before I confirmed that I could take her in. What if you hadn't picked up my phone? She would be out on her own. The least he could have done was gone with her."

After a moment of continuing the discussion on why I hate my now ex-boyfriend, we both head upstairs to check on Emi.

She was just peacefully playing with her whale bath toy. Then out of nowhere, the rest of her bath toys start floating around like bubbles.

"Look Mommy! I can make the toys fly just like you can!" Emi said.

Kusuo just stood in the doorway and smiled a small smile.
I smiled too.

"You gave quite a special talent Emi. It's not every day you find someone who can levitate their bath toys. Kusuo steps out of the room as I hear my mom getting home. I take Emi out of the bath and dry her off before putting her in a cute pink dress that goes well with her bright blue eyes.

"Now you be good up here, ok?" I say.

"Ok mommy!" She says as she runs off to play in the room that we have to share for now.

I walk downstairs and find my mom talking to Kusuo.

"Lea, I didn't know you were having friends over today! I wouldn't have left if I knew that I guys had plans." My mom says.

Kusuo is just smiling to himself while eating a coffee jelly my mom must have made.

Like I said before, summer break has been pretty alright so far.

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