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"Lea, what did you do?" Kusuo asks worried.

"Okay Pinky! What's the big deal here? Unless you are holding on to Lea, normal people should be frozen in time." Colin starts yelling.

"Calm down Colin, if we don't hurry I'll run out of power before we leave. Kusuo, can you untie Teruhashi real quick? If I let go to untie her she'll be get stuck in time and we won't be able to bring her back until I run out of psychic energy." I say.

Kusuo starts to untie Teruhashi as he asks, "What do you mean by run out of psychic energy? Will you need to go to the hospital again?"

"The opposite, actually. By doing this my powers will become so limited to the point where I will only be able to occasionally read minds, for a few years at the least. My powers will eventually be completely restored." I reply, still keeping a tight grip on Teruhashi.

"I'm still trying to figure out why this bubblegum head is able to stay unfrozen without relying on your powers." Colin says.

"Just think about it. Why are you able to stay unfrozen?" I reply.

"Are you serious? This guy has powers too?" Colin shouts.

"Colin! Did you have to shout? My head is already starting to hurt." I say annoyed. "Out of everyone here you should know best what this can do to me if I keep it up for long periods of time, so try to make it easier on me." I say as Kusuo finishes getting Teruhashi free.

Teruhashi puts her opposite hand on my shoulder and lets go of my hand so that I can untie Colin, but I only untie his legs.

"Let's get out of here. Your powers won't work because of those devices, so we'll be finding Kusuo's brother to remove them." I say, and Kusuo's face fills with disgust.

We manage to find the way out rather quickly, and blocking the exit was none other than a frozen Kusuke.

"Well, I guess it's time to say goodbye to my powers again." I say.

I close my eyes, about ready to undo the freeze when kusuo stops me.

'He's faking.' Kusuo says.

Colin taps Kusukes shoulder and Kusuke tenses up. I sigh.

"Okay, now I'm confused. I know for a fact this guy doesn't have powers, so why is he unfrozen?" Colin says.

"He's an evil genius. Maybe he somehow has a lock of my hair or something. Or maybe he's made some kind of psychic resistance device." I say.
Kusuo replies, 'It's the second one.'

Then, I got and idea. "Teruhashi, your hairpin! You don't have to hold onto," I get cut off by Teruhashi letting go of me to hold her head.

"Why am I hearing people's voices when there's no one in here but us? I'm not psychic!" Teruhashi start to freak out.

My eyes widen as I realized what had happened.

I notice that Teruhashi's hairpin is a little different than before.

"Because I was holding onto you, my powers must have transferred into your hairpin. Since to it already has the ability to block powers, a side affect of the time freeze might have been allowing it to absorb powers. If I had known I would have had you let go sooner. Now, whenever you wear that hairpin you'll be able to use whatever psychic powers you might have absorbed from me. I'm so sorry." I say.

She continues to hold her head in pain, and says, " It's okay. It's actually kind of really cool. I'll just have to get used to it."

Kusuo then telepathically tells me 'I think we have bigger problems than her not liking powers. We're going to have to get rid of that pin once time unfreezes.'

"I would answer you, but I don't know if I can and I'm assuming you didn't say that out loud." I say towards kusuo.

"So wait, if I hold onto you I'll end up with psychic powers?" Kusuke says.

"Don't even think about touching her." Kusuo gives Kusuke a death glare as he uses his real voice to make sure Kusuke got the message.

"You actually found someone that you like? Are you even my brother?" Kusuke asks.

So if I'm right, Teruhashi is flipping out at the fact that kusuo might like me more than her and Colin is about ready to kill kusuo.

"Kusuke, I bet you don't even realize the gravity behind that statement. Besides, kusuo just doesn't want you to end up with powers, it has nothing to do with anybody liking anybody." I state.

"Oh, sorry Kusuo, looks like the only person a cold hearted psychic like you ever loved turned you down." Kusuke says.

'It's not even like that, I don't love anybody and never will." Kusuo states.

 "Would you please remove the devices causing your brother and the A-hole to lose their powers temporarily." i ask.

"I already deactivated them the second time froze. How else would you have heard kusuo telepathically?" Kusuke says.

"It's understandable that I missed out on that, but how did you and Colin not realize you had powers again?" I ask.

"You mean the strain on my powers isn't being caused by the device anymore? I guess the strain lightened up a bit, but it still feels hard to even talk telepathically, even though that's the only way I've spoke my entire life." Kusuo slightly panics.

"I wasn't paying attention, and also I completely forgot all of the side effects of your powers releasing." Colin says.

I sigh, and as I'm about to open the door to the outside, I start to see the darkness consuming me, and I pass out,

Normality of a Mind Reader (Alternate Ending to Mind Reader)Where stories live. Discover now