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29 missed calls from Colin.

3 missed calls from Teruhashi.

1 missed call from Kusuo.

For all of this to happen in one night, something bad must have happened. Why would Kusuo even be calling me if it wasn't for a bad reason? We even live in the same house.

I start to play back voicemails, starting with Teruhashi.

"Kimiko? It's Kokomi. Saiki came to my house a few minutes ago because something was bothering him. At first I was excited because I thought he was finally going to confess to me, or if not at least open up to me about something else, but he just started panicking. He seemed really worried about you, and kept mentioning this guy named Colin, something about a precognition too. I tried to calm him down, but the more he thought about the situation to more he panicked. After a bit he passed out and now he's sleeping on my couch. I hope my brother doesn't come home. Anyways, I'm sure he only came to me because he didn't want to tell you whatever he was going on about, and I'm the only other one to know about his powers. Just please, talk to him when you get this message, okay?" Teruhashi's voice spoke through the phone.

I played the second one.

"Saiki, disappeared. I don't know if he teleported home, or something worse. I know you're probably asleep but, when you wake up please make sure he's okay."

It's 5am. Emi, along with everyone else in the house, is sleeping. I quietly make my way out of my room, through the hall, and to Kusuo's room. The door was left open. Kusuo never leaves his door open.

I peak in. He's not there. I sit on his bed and play Teruhashi's third voicemail. This one was an hour after the other two.

"I'm sorry for calling you in the middle of the night. Everything I said before was a lie. I'm sorry if I made you worry about Saiki. Who am I kidding, you know Saiki so well, you probably thought I was lying from the start. Just pretend everything about me, the organization, and Saiki never happened."

I play Kusuo's voicemail.

"Lea, If you get this, I might need your help. I didn't want to mention anything because I knew you'd be upset, but Colin has gone too far. He's been working with the organization this whole time to try and make you want to go back to England and marry him. He hasn't found anything unnatural about me, but he's keeping me and Teruhashi in England until you come to get us, and my brother gave him devices to keep me from teleporting without knowing this guy is a psychopath. I guess anyone would trust the prince though. Just, take my wallet and get on a plane here as soon as you can."

I teleport to them out of anger and immediately slap Colin, who is tied up on the ground.

"Wait, why are you tied up with these two if you kidnapped them?" I ask Colin. I don't feel great after that teleport, but we'll ignore that for now.

"Did you not listen to any of my messages? The organization was using me. I thought they were going to help me get rid of your powers so that I could have you back, but they forced Emi to go to Japan alone, made me kidnap your friends who knew about the organization, and then locked me up beside them." Colin says.

"You called me 29 times in one night. I thought it was just your normal 'I'm sorry Lea, please take me back'." I say, as I start to untie kusuo.

As soon as I untie Kusuo, a group of guards show up and surround us.

"Oh no! What are we supposed to do now? You'll get tied up too!" Teruhashi says.

"Kusuo, you're going to be extremely mad, but I want to try something." I say.

"No. I already know you're doing something with your powers. Please don't, you're almost cured." Kusuo replies.

"I'm sorry." I say. I grab Teruhashi's hand. "Don't let go of me, ok?"

She nods and I close my eyes, releasing a massive amount of psychic power in the process.

I open my eyes, and see that it worked. I froze time.

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