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As we were walking home, Kaido suggested that we go to my moms shop for sweets.

Saik waited for my answer before responding that he was dying for coffee jelly. He knows I'm not supposed to stop anywhere when going home after school.

"I still have my key, and it's just around the corner..."

Saiki telepathically told me 'I won't tell if you don't.'

"Plus, I haven't seen my mom in a while... Ok, we'll stop by for some coffee jelly." I answer. " You're coming with us, right Saiki?" I continue, making sure the others knew his answer.

He nods as we start walking toward the sweet shop.

"Psychic Sweets, it's been awhile. I'll have to make some jelly to bring home." I talk to myself as I unlock the door.

"Mom? Are you home? I've got some friends who would like some sweets." I yell for her.

She rushes downstairs and gives me a hug.

"I've missed you so much Lea!" Says as she squeezes me to death.

"You already know kusuo, but my other friends here are Nendou and Kaido. I'm gonna be on the kitchen making coffee jelly if you want some." I say.

Mom finally lets go and says "that would be nice, I'll open up shop."

"Ok, you should do that more often you know. You'll be late on payments if you don't." I say heading into the kitchen as my friends sit down. I quickly make 8 coffee jellies, 3 to go. I gave one to my mom as she sat down with my friends and gave one jelly to each friend, and of course one for my self.

"Who are the other 3 for?" Kaido asks.

"My cousin, Aunt and Uncle who I'm living with."

'My parents can't be your aunt and uncle if emi is your cousin.' Saiki says telepathically. I try hard to contain my laughter.

Once we finish eating, I said my goodbyes to my mom and Nendou and Kaido left to their homes. Once they were gone Kusuo teleported us to his room. His parents weren't home today, so they probably just think we were in his room the whole time. We heard them come home and went downstairs to help His mom make dinner.

This will be over before it's over.

As we were making dinner, Mrs.Saiki asked if me and Kusuo could go to the store to get some tomatoes for the salad. So we left for the store. I was with Kusuo, so I would be safe... right?

Saiki POV

I can't read her mind right now, but Kimiko seems worried. She's not really supposed to leave the house. Mom didn't need to send 2 people out just to get tomatoes, so basically I'm a bodyguard for her. Besides that, my mom probably doesn't want her to feel depressed stuck inside all day. I don't think we have to worry about that though. The only time I've ever seen Kimiko sad, was at the hospital when I first found out about how bad her illness is.

"You know, I told you can call me by my first name, right? It's good to know that you aren't worried about me, I don't have to worry about you worrying about me!" She says smiling.

She's reading my thoughts.

'Ok Lea,' I say. 'but you shouldn't waste your strength in reading my thoughts, even if it comes more naturally without your glasses.'

Then I remembered, tomatoes.
We were sent out to get tomatoes, and we're now a block away from the store.

She starts to giggle as she realized it to. We turned around and walked back towards the store. I wish things were always this simple.

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