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After that situation with Nendou and Teruhashi, I've been avoiding everyone, but that might be kinda hard today. My mom is forcing me to go to a festival because I need to have fun in my life or something. I didn't dare read her mind to find out the real reason.

And now, I'm right outside of the crowd when I see a glimpse of pink hair. Without thinking, I dive right into the middle of the crowd and find him. Kusuo Saiki. But as soon as we notice each other, I start to notice the crowd. I've always been bad an crowds, in fact, people are my biggest fear. Their thoughts are so different from one another yet they all act the same! It's creepy and I don't like it.

Anyway, thanks the the crowd, I start to freak out. I grab a hold of saiki and held him tight.

' Kimiko..... ' Kusuo responds.

I just hold onto him, and he just hugged back. He pulls me away from the crowd and we leave the festival to go get Ice cream.


Every day from that point on I've walked to school with Kusuo . We've gotten a lot closer, to a point where I was confident Video Chat with Colin and introduce the two. At first he was mad that I had gotten so close to another guy, in fact he still is, but he seemed to clam down a bit when he realized we're just friends. When I requested to see Emi, he wouldn't let me.

Which led to Kusuo asking about who Emi is after Colin hung up.

"She's Colin's Sister?" I ask myself.

'That sounded more like a question than an answer. It's fine if you don't want to tell me, it's not really my business.' Saiki responds.

"I want to tell you, but right now I'm worried that telling anyone her relation to me would give people something against me. Even though I know you won't tell anyone, unless she's forced to move back here I'm gonna have keep her relation to me a secret."

'Ok.' Saiki replies.

Sadly, the day that Emi comes to stay with me isn't very far away.

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