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I woke up in Kusuo's bedroom. My head hurts badly, and I don't remember falling asleep, or all of what happened when I woke up last night. I stand up and walk to the bathroom, but the person in the mirror barely looks like me. My eyes are brown, my hair is black with only the tips being their normal pink color.

Wait, everybody's thoughts are quieter today too. I quickly make my way downstairs and find kusuo, emi, and kusuo's parents at the table eating breakfast.

"Kusuo, Why are everyone's thoughts so quite? What happened to my hair, and,"

before I could finish my sentence, kusuo hugged me and replied, 'You've been asleep for a 3 days. Don't ever do something that stupid again.'

"What did I do? All I remember is waking up in the middle of the night then I woke up in your bed just now." I reply.

"Mommy! You're awake!" Emi hugs me tightly.

"Lea, you froze time." Kusuo explains.

"That makes sense, but why would I have a reason to do that? I mean, somehow I feel even better than I did before last night. It must be the fact that my powers are gone." I say.

"Mommy okay?" Emi says. I wonder what she was up to while time was frozen, as she would have definitely woke up from it, and no psychic powers have ever affected her. My time freeze doesn't affect anyone with powers, but even my teleportation never worked on her.

Wait, what were the plum and the fortune teller doing during this time. I pull out my phone and create a group chat with every one with powers in it. I then text everyone to meet up at Psychic Sweets.

Kusuo, Emi, and I all walk to the shop. Surprisingly, everyone showed up, including Colin.

"Mom's out of town, so we're alone." I tell everyone who is waiting outside the locked shop. I unlocked the door and we all went in.

Everyone sat down and I start to explain why I asked everyone to come here.

"So, as all of you probably noticed, time froze 3 days ago, and I'm trying to put together what all happened to make me want to freeze time." I state.

Teruhashi then walked in the door, wearing her flower pin. She said, "Sorry it took me a bit to get here! My brother started questioning me on the way out."

"Why are you here? I only texted people with powers." I state confused.

"I added her to the group chat. Her hairpin absorbed some of your powers, so she's practically a psychic now." Colin states.

"Absorbed my powers? What do you mean absorbed my powers? Just how reckless was I being?" I ask.

"The organization that Teruhashi and I were once working for kidnapped us along with flamingo head. You showed up and attempted to rescue us, but we were then surrounded. You froze time in order to get us free. Teruhashi was holding on to you until we found flamingo's brother. At that point we realized that Teruhashi's hairpin was absorbing your power from holding onto you and after that we escaped." Colin explains. "You fainted and flamingo kidnapped you. I made attempts to rescue you these past few days but he wouldn't let me in the house."

"He didn't kidnap me, we live in the same house because the doctors felt it was better for me to have someone with me at all times." I reply.

'Emi was the one who locked you out.' Kusuo says. For a moment I feel proud of her.

"Who's Emi?" Purple Peep says.

"This is Emi. That's not important right now though. What is important is what exactly did everyone that wasn't kidnapped during the time freeze. It could potentially change the seriousness of the subject." I state while pointing to emi.

"I feel like the subject of Emi locking me out from seeing you is a very important subject." Colin says.

"It's important to talk about how a psychic got locked out of a house by a 3 year old?" I question. He suddenly becomes quiet.

"I was asleep, I think." Emi speaks up. That makes sense, it was pretty late. She might have woke up for a second and then went back to bed. I'm sure the other two did the same. Right?

"I was painting my nails when I noticed the clock stopped moving. I couldn't do anything about it because my nails were wet so I just kind sat there and eventually the clock moved again." Mikoto replies.

"I'm not going to lie because you can all read my mind. Basically I noticed time stopped immediately because a ghost that was talking to me froze. So I went to a girls bath house and got kicked out when time unfroze."

I just sigh. That was a little too honest. I look over and notice that kusuo is coving Emi's ears, which made Colin mad.

"You realize that didn't change anything. She doesn't have selective mind reading, so she still heard the whole thing." Colin says angrily.

"F off Colin. You don't have to be salty just because Emi is smart enough to realize that you aren't the greatest human being." I reply. "Also, can we leave the drama for another time, because purple perv was seen defying time and we don't know who the girls at the bath house were, so all we can do is hope that they don't go crazy or disappear. Those are the only side effects that I know of but there could be others. Also that's just extremely gross." I say. Sadly there's not much I can do about it.

"We could just say time freezing is part of his powers." Teruhashi adds.

"Jumping from being a medium to defying time is a stretch. The only people here that would cover for is everyone but him and Mikoto. Their powers are pretty exclusive to what they are good at. I haven't noticed anything specific with emi. She can do pretty much everything I could already, which is terrifying considering the condition my abilities left me in." I state.

"Wait, since your abilities are gone you can go back to England with me!" Colin states.

"Well, Ill think about a solution. I think it's time to head home. Colin, Kusuo, I'd like to talk to you two alone for a minute." I say and drag the two of them out the door with me. Emi follows close behind.

After a bit of walking I say, "I am going back to England, but not for you Colin. I haven't seen my dad in forever. Sadly, Emi can't come with. My dad can't find out about her I'll never see him again. Do you think she can stay with you and your family Kusuo? If not I guess she could stay with Kusuke but I don't trust him as much."

"Why can't she stay with me?" Colin yells.

"Because you sent your three year old daughter to another country without knowing if I could take care of her. If Kusuo hadn't found my phone Emi would be lost and alone. Apparently your security guard you sent with her didn't stick around very long because Kusuo found her all alone and only had my phone background to go off of to find her." I yell in frustration. Emi clings onto Kusuo.

Colin falls silent.

"She's in good hands. My parents may be weird, but they knew how to put up with me and my brother some how. Plus, emi seems to have taking a liking to them." Kusuo states.

"Mommy, please don't leave. I can go see grandpa too!" Emi speaks up, giving me a big hug. I bend down and give her a kiss on forehead.
"I won't be gone for very long. When my powers come back I'll have to come back to be near the only hospital we can go to. Besides, I've got awhile before I can leave, Judy to let my condition fully stabilize." I say.

Emi holds me tightly and says, "ok, but you better visit at least once a week once you can teleport again."

I take a deep breath and reply, "Deal"

Normality of a Mind Reader (Alternate Ending to Mind Reader)Where stories live. Discover now