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??? Pov

Kimiko Lea. We knew she was a threat since day one. The way she hangs onto saiki when she's scared. We can not accept this.

The more she spends time with him, the stronger her power gets.

If this continues, we'll have to exterminate the both of them.

That's why I sent in our top agent. She'd do anything if it'll keep saiki alive.

Teruhashi, Kokome. You are the world's last hope.


Kimiko POV

It was what seemed to be an average day. Saiki and I have become great friends, and apparently, I also keep Teruhashi away from saiki. That was until 5 minutes ago.

" Hey Kimiko? Can I talk to you in the Hall? " Teruhashi comes up to my desk and asks.

"Oh wow teruhashi! " Nendou, the one who was annoying saiki, says.

"Um... Sure? " I say, standing up. We then procede to walk outside.

As soon as we were standing face to face in the girls bathroom, I noticed something weird. I haven't heard her thoughts this whole time!

But I kept my face chill.

"Well, what is it? " I say, kinda annoyed.

She got close up in my face, and was about to speak when I got phone call.

"Hey, I'll be right back I gotta take this. " I say stepping out of the bathroom. I decline the call. It was from Saiki. I think just wanted to get my attention in a normal looking way.

'I'm guessing you've been watching us? '

Then I use clairvoyance to see Kaido waving his hand over Saiki's Face and hairo saying " what's up with that face? Are you getting ready for a tennis game? "

I undo my clairvoyance.

'Anyway, what do you need to the point where you called me. I didn't even know you had a phone'

'Something is strange about teruhashi. '

'No duh! I can't read her thoughts. Do you think she.. "

"No.. She's definitely not psychic. Just be careful. '

'Ok mom'

I enter back into the bathroom as saiki was about to say something, but gets cut off, and all I can hear is static.

So it's not just teruhashi, something is blocking this bathroom just in case teruhashi's block wasn't strong enough. I probably can't hear her because of the flower hairpin she's wearing today, but I wonder how they're blocking an entire bathroom.

" Listen, I already know you like Saiki, and if that's is what this is about, forget it. I don't like him that way. " I say, breathing deeply out of worry of what was going on.

" You need to stay away from him, if you don't, everyone could die! I know about your psychic abilities, and being with saiki somehow amplifies it. I don't see why though. He's completely normal other than the fact that he won't say oh wow. "

" I can't do that. I promise that I won't get in the way of you and Kusuo, but he's been there for me this whole time. He's supported me was I was scared my own family wouldn't. He helped me settle in at school and make friends with everyone, and he even accepts the fact that I have powers even though my powers are unstable at certain points." I say.

"The more time you spend with him, the more likely you are to hurt him on accident. Not only that, but the more unstable you are, the more likely you are to hurt everyone." Teruhashi tries to reason.

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