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Summer went by just fine thanks to saiki, He's helped me so much since he found out about Emi, and it's taken a huge weight off my shoulders. He even said he had a neighbor that was about her age.

Tomorrow school starts. I don't know how I'm going to take care of Emi during the school year, but I'll make it work.

It's been a month, but I still am worried that there are people after me and Kusuo. Now that Teruhashi knows that Kusuo is a psychic too, she might be in danger. The organization that had her working for them seem like the type who won't forgive traitors. But, she does have her fan club on her side.

Emi comes up to me as I'm about to call my best friend. She's currently touring the world. You see, she's a famous musician. That's why she's not at school right now. Even though she's really shy and introverted, she has a really good voice and is fun to be around.

I pick up Emi and take her to her bed. "I'll be back in a moment." I say as my phone starts to ring. Unknown caller.

"Hello?" I say, stepping out of the room and shutting the door behind me.

A deep voice that's obviously not the actual voice of the person on the other side says, "Lea Kimiko. You don't seem like the kind of person to be a secret psychic."

"Who are you? How did you get this number?" I say, a bit frightened.

"For now, I'm your friend. Make one wrong move, and I'll be your enemy." The voice says.

"What do you want?" I ask out of fear. I keep my voice calm and steady to show I'm not afraid, but my hands keep shaking.

"All we want if for you to give up your powers." A deeper voice than before says.

"What did I say about using the mic? Make sure you turn the mic up because your voice is already so low." The first voice said to the other.

"Like this?" The second deep voice started out really deep but ended up sounding like a normal deep voice.

"Yes. Oh wait I forgot to switch it back." A chipmunk like voice says. I think that was the first voice. This conversation breaks the tension for a moment and I start to laugh.

After a moment of laughing I speak up, "Can we make this quick? I have to put a 3 year old to bed."

"Your powers are a growing threat to the world as we know it. We need you to get rid of them."

"My powers aren't your problem right now. By the time my powers are strong enough to take out the world, I'll be dead. If it makes you feel better, I'll wear a germanium ring. Germanium neutralizes psychic powers."

"We will call back if we continue to see an increase in your power levels."

"Alright. I'm quite busy most days, with school and all. I might not pick up the first time, but if you leave a voice mail I'll make sure to try and work things out. Bye." I say quickly and hang up.

I walk back into the bedroom to find Emi already asleep, but on my bed instead of hers.

What am I going to do with her tomorrow? Mom's out of town for the rest of the month and there's no way that I'm asking dad to watch Emi. I did't even tell that old fool that she exists until he found me and Emi at the airport with Colin. That's the day those too has to go to England.

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