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"Dad, I'm home!" I say as I carry some boxes through the door.

"Lea, I'm in the living room. Could you come her for a sec?" My dad shouts. I can tell by the tone in his voice that he's been drinking again.

I sigh and set my boxes down. Then I walk towards the living room. The house is a complete mess, but he's just sitting on a couch covered by beer bottles watching whatever comes on.

"I hope you plan on getting your act together. I can move somewhere else if you don't want to work with me. We're gonna find you a partner and get this place cleaned up to start with. You'll be working on losing the alcohol addiction as well." I say, hoping some of it gets through to his drunken state.

This is gonna be a long few years.

Kusuo pov
Lea's only been gone one day, but the whole class is acting depressed today. The worst part, everyone is bothering Teruhashi.

"Really guys it's fine! We were going to break up anyways. We just aren't meant to be together, and we should focus on school." I say.

"But Teruhashi, does this mean that you only like girls?" Some guy speaks up.

"Well I wouldn't put it that way. Honestly I only dated Lea because she was into me and I didn't want to turn her down." Teruhashi responds

You just wanted to avoid saiko.

Still, I'm sure Lea did actually like Teruhashi. I don't think she would have thought up that scheme if she didn't. I can't blame her though, Teruhashi is very pretty. Lea was able to become friends with her despite knowing how she thought. Or maybe she just ignored Teruhashi's thoughts. Who knows.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and jump out of my seat in surprise. I'm not wearing the ring, so who the hell touched me without me noticing. I turn around and see Emi. Why is she here?

"You forgot your lunch." She says quietly. Usually she annoyingly calls me dad. She's probably saying quiet so that it doesn't slip out.

I pat her head and smile, then take my lunch. "Thank you"

I have to use my actual voice for Emi now. Her powers have gotten so strong I can't communicate with her through telepathy.

"Saiki, I didn't know you had a younger sister! What's you're name?" Kaido walks up to her with a smile. A moment ago he was talking about how dark reunion was employing children to complete their dirty work bc he got bit by a little boy on his was to school.

Emi hides behind me and says "Can you take me home please I don't like it here."

Kaido looks crushed.
"Saiki, you're sister has been employed by dark reunion too!"

When did I say she's my sister? Oh well it's better than the alternative.

"Don't be dumb Kaido, she's obviously Saiki and Teruhashi's daughter, just like that little boy I saw them at the park with!" A Teruhashi fan club member bursts in.

Everyone, including the mass of people swarming Teruhashi, falls silent.

"Um, you must be mistaken. Saiki is just my friend, and I haven't had any children. The only relationship I've even had was with Lea." Teruhashi responds.

"And two girls can't make a child, so I guess Teruhashi isn't the mother." A different person says.

"Than who's the mother of Saiki's two children?" The fan club member asks.

'They're  not my children just go talk to yuuta's parents.' I say.

"Considering age, saiki would have had to adopt them anyways." Hairo states.

Emi tuggs on my sleeve.

The purple perv rushes in and says "Emi! A ghost told me you were on campus so I rushed over to see you it's been so long."

"This is why I wanted to leave. This guy is the creepiest of them all." Emi says. She knew he was gonna bother her. "What was the point of coming if it would just end up as I predicted. I should've just made you run home for your lunch idiot." Emi states. Wow, that's the first time I've been called an idiot. I mean, we could have easily avoided this by just having me aport something for my lunch.

The purple perv is crushed.

"Come walk me to the gates, or your mom will be mad at you for making me walk through this creepy school by myself." Emi states, grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the class. Im not gonna lie, I could actually feel my arm being tugged.

She surely is one of a kind.
'My legs are tired for walking all the way here, can you just show me where to teleport from.'

What a pain. I point towards the girls bathroom.

"Thanks dad." She whispers. I smile once more as she runs off on her way.

"Wanna tell me why my daughter just called you dad?" Colin appears behind me.

'If she means so much to you maybe you should stop stalking her with clairvoyance.' I respond.

"Also, it's pretty weird for the prince of England to appear out of no where at a random Japanese Highschool." Lea stares from behind him.

I hug her the instant I see her.

" I've only been gone a few days." She responds.

'You can teleport again?' I ask.

"Seems that way, I forgot to clean out my locker and realized I while I was unpacking and I ended up here. Don't tell Emi yet though, I'm going to be kinda busy for awhile and can't come very often for the next few weeks" Lea states.

'Okay, but could you send her a letter telling her to stop calling me dad? People are actually going to think I'm her dad, and what if my parents think we are together or something?' I ask.

"Hmmmm... No, you're more like a dad than her real one, so I think you should be grateful  for your new title. Besides, I'm sure by now they've realized that your not into people like that. As much as they joke about you getting a girlfriend, they know you have no intention of doing so. You might want to tell Kokomi though. She still thinks you two will get married one day. " Lea says. 

Lea waves and takes off running before I could respond. So this is what life will be like for the next few years. I could live with this.

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