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Saiki POV

Kimiko isn't at school today. She should have stopped by my house to drop off Emi and we walk to school together, but she called and said that my parents didn't have to watch Emi.

The weird thing is that she called. Normally, if something is up, she'd use telepathy.

I'm suspicious of teruhashi, but as of now nothing is on her thoughts about Kimiko.

" Saiki, do you know where a Kimiko is? You and Teruhashi are the only ones with her number." Kuboyasu asked

'Why Do you care?'

"Kimiko wanted to ask me something yesterday but she fainted right before she could. I wanted to know if she was ok, but your the only one who has her cell, so I thought you'd know," Kuboyasu replies. "She looked like her head was really bothering her, and she wasn't wearing her classes."

To be honest, even with clairvoyance I can't tell. Her entire house is just empty in my clairvoyance, almost like she's trying to block me.

I just shake my head, letting him know I don't know anything.


A week has passed, and I still haven't seen Kimiko. Kaido, Kubuyosa and Hairo are all worried. Hairo because she's missing school and it's a lack of effort or something.

I'm not sure about the other two though.

I even stopped by the cafe every day after school but her mom just said she wasn't home.

If she wasn't home I'd have no problem seeing that.


It has been 2 months, and Her mom finally said something . Usually, I'm not this persistent, everyone else thinks she moved to her dad or something because of her fainting, but I know that's not true, her dad wouldn't allow Emi to stay with them, and Kimiko just officially got full rights to Emi, because she didn't want Emi to see Colin ever again.

" You're really worried about her, aren't you? You've been this persistent and I don't think you're going anywhere til you see her again. But sadly, I don't know if even I will see her again."

'What about Emi?' I ask without realizing.

"You know about Emi? Then you must also know about her powers." She whispers. I nod.

"How about we go upstairs." She says and we walk upstairs.

"You must be really important to her, if she didn't wipe your memory." She says. " Kimiko is in the hospital, and she doesn't want visitors."

'Hospital? Why?' I question.

She starts to form tears. "She's been really sick since she passed out at school. She's aloud visitors as of last week, because they found it's not contagious, but it could be deadly. I took her to the only doctor who can figure her out, because of her abilities, but he can't even completely figure out her illness. It's never been this bad before." By this point she was crying, and there were a lot of tears. I don't know what to do, but without thinking I hug her. When it comes to Kimiko, I can't think. I can't think about her mind, because I can't control whether I can hear her or not. So I don't think. I don't know what she thinks about me, so I can't let her know what I think about her. " Shes always getting sick because her powers are so unstable, but it's never been this bad." I continue hugging June as she hugged back, until she let go.

" Go see her." She looks up at me. "Please. She won't allow anyone in, but I know you can convince her to continue living. Emi is with her and has been since 2 days ago. Please just go. For her."

I stopped to consider what she was saying, but after scanning her mind, I nod and go downstairs and run out the door. I run as fast as I can, not caring who sees me.

For once in my life, I felt a tear in my eye.

I haven't known her long, but I know one thing.

Congrats Lea Kimiko, you've defeated me.


(It's not over yet, I can't leave you here.)

I rush into the hospital, and ask the receptionist for Kimiko's room. I quickly walk to the elevator.

Top Floor, Last room in the Hall.
I'm the only one in the elevator, and no one is in the hall. (Clairvoyance check)

I teleport to the end of the hall, right by her door. I knock.

'Kimiko, you could have told me.'

She opens the door.

Her hair has been cut short.
She has bags under her eyes.
Her eyes that once glittered in the sunlight were now dull.
She wasn't wearing her glasses.

"You've caught me Kusuo." she said. "Was it that hard to let me go? I can't even use my powers! I gave everything I had to remove myself from this world, just me and Emi alone til I'm gone. But you found me. I should have known Kusuo Saiki.

I feel tears start to fall as she hugs me, and I hug back.

We held it for awhile, like some cheesy romance movie.

But I don't care anymore.

" Kimiko..." I Manage to say.

"You spoke! She said surprised. "You used your mouth!" She said hugging me.

"Maybe I'm the one who can't let go." She says, hiding in my chest.

" I care about you Lea Kimiko, and I won't let the you leave the world," I say.

She looks down sadly. She's crying even more than before. She continues to cry into my chest. She's my friend, so I stay there, holding her in my arms for as long as she needs.

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