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I've been at public school for about 2 months now, and I've grown as a psychic. I've also gotten to learn more about all of kusuo's friends. Right now it's lunch time.

" Hey Kimiko, how come you call saiki by his first name? " Teruhashi, who doesn't like me much, asks.

"I hang out at his house a lot, and he doesn't seem to care whether I call him by his first name or not. Honestly I don't care if anyone wants to use my first name." I answer honestly.

"Oh, that makes sense. " Is what she said. What she thought was: That girl!  Who does she think she is going over to saiki's house so often! Wait! She better not be...  His girlfriend!!

Oh god, I shouldn't have said anything.

"So saiki, when are you and Kimiko gonna get together? " Nendou asks.

I decided that this is the best time to leave.

"I'll be right back,I'm just going to the bathroom"! I say and stand up. I start walking to the bathroom.

Don't get me wrong, Kusuo is a great guy once you get to know him, but I promised Colin that I'd come back untouched personality wise and physically. I can't let him get to me. I have to stay strong.

Oh, and if you're wondering why I don't just tell them I have a boyfriend, it's because no one is going to actually believe I have a boyfriend who lives in England.

Actually, even worse they might think I'm dating Kusuo's brother. That's just too awkward.

The bell rings and I leave the bathroom to go find my next class.

The school day ends, and I find myself walking home with Kusuo. This happens almost every day. However, today is different.

'We're being followed.' I tell kusuo telepathically.

'I've noticed. The scary thing is, it's not some organization that found out about our powers. It's just the Teruhashi fan club. They're probably planning to make you transfer schools or something.' Kusuo says. 'Oh, and you can talk. They aren't close enough to hear you.'

"Transfer to another school? But why?" I yell, forgetting that they're following us.

'They could hear that.' He responds.

Quickly, I say, "Kusuo, you can't transfer to another school! You're the reason I was able to adapt to this school so quickly. You're family feels like the family I have back in England. You're practically my brother! I know you said its not official, but even the possibility of you leaving scares me. I've already lost most communication with my boyfriend, how will I live losing my brother too?"

'Not bad acting. You should be an actor.'

'I wasn't acting. That's how I truly feel about losing you.'

'Well, I don't think you have to worry about it anymore. The reason that they wanted you transferred was because they thought you liked me. Because I make Teruhashi happy, if I'm dating someone other than Teruhashi they're going to think I'm cheating on her. For some reason they got the idea that me and her are dating.'

'Oh, so since I added the part about you being like a brother, they realized they have nothing to worry about. I see now.' I respond.

We continue to walk towards his house when Colin calls.

'You should answer it. It costs money to call from another country.' Kusuo says.

I was just about to decline the call, when Kusuo taps the accept button.

"Lea! You answered! I've missed you so much! Why haven't you answered me before now?" I hear Colin say. I start to cry again.

"I'm sorry I can't go to England yet. I haven't gotten any better than when you left. I'm so sorry."

"Lea, it's ok. We'll always be here. You don't have to hide from us over something you can't control."

"I'm sorry." I say again. Kusuo hugs me, which is very strange for him.

"I have to go now, but you be safe out there, ok? Don't push yourself to hard, you'll just make things worse. And make sure you listen to your doctors. Don't use your powers too much either, that just adds to the strain on your body. I love you Lea, and Emi does too. Never forget that." Colin says.
"Ok. Please tell her that everything will be alright. Don't tell her that I haven't gotten better, I don't want her to worry. Bye Colin." I say.

"Bye Lea." Colin says as I hang up the phone.

I contact to cry as Saiki just hugs me in the middle of the street.

Why is it so hard for me to get through this? I don't want to disappoint my family more than I already have. I have to stay strong for now. At least I have Kusuo with me.

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