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" wait, your the girl from the cafe! " a boy I remember from the cafe yesterday says. He has red hair. Think his name is Hanji? No, Hairo? For those of you reading this Fanfic, I'll add a picture of him.

 Think his name is Hanji? No, Hairo? For those of you reading this Fanfic, I'll add a picture of him

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"Yep." I respond, popping the p sound.

"But I thought your name was June." Toritsuka said, at least I think that's him. Here's a picture of the perv.

"No, my mom's name is June, but customers often confuse us so I go by June sometimes

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"No, my mom's name is June, but customers often confuse us so I go by June sometimes." I say.

'Why are you even in here?' Saiki says.

" I was told to come get some students to help with a project from your class."

"I'll help." I say Cheerfully

'I guess I will to.' Saiki says

"I wanna help!" Nendou says.

" Let's all help!" Hiaro shouts

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" Let's all help!" Hiaro shouts.

"YEAH!" The rest of the class shout.

" I only needed one person..... But ok."

Me and Saiki decided to stay back,
Because it would be way to crowded for the simple job of moving the tables out of the room.

I smile. Maybe staying here won't be so bad. I can meet new people and learn to live with the fact that I may never see my old friends and family again.

"You have one new message from Colin" my phone spoke out as I opened my voicemail box.

I play the voicemail.

"Lea, when will you stop ignoring my calls? I need you here in England with me. Things aren't going well with Emi. I'll have to send her back before school gets out for you at this rate. I don't understand why you can't just move to England and live with us because we miss you. Lea, I don't want to lose you. I love..." I cut the voicemail short by deleting it.

"I wish it were that simple Colin, but I have to stay here until I get better. I'm sorry" I cry to myself, locked in my bedroom, alone.

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