Chapter 20

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It was raining and I didn't want to bring Noah to the funeral. So it was just me, Charles, Josie, Adam, Zoe, Michael, Aunt CC, Leroy Micheals, and even Elizabeth and Daisy.

"We are here today to lay to rest our beloved Caitlyn St James Blake. Not only have we sensed our own personal feelings of loss over Caitlyn St James Blake's passing, but our hearts have been drawn together because of it, and will continue to be together and with her." I still can't believe that she's dead. Zoe sits next to me holding my hand.
The pastor goes on to say, "Finally, we are here today to seek and to receive comfort.  It would be less than honest if we said that our hearts have not ached over this tragedy. Most of us are here today to seek relief and trusting that God will ease our hearts, and give us the strength to continue as we mourn over our dear friend, mother, sister, daughter, e.t.c. It is our human nature to want to understand everything now, but TRUST requires that we learn and rely heavily on God even when things seem unclear." In my mind I was thinking about how I was young and how she used to wake me up everyday to go to school. God I hated that. But now she's not here anymore, she's gone. How do you recover from that?

Everyone now is speaking and saying good things, good memories they had with my mother but when it came to my turn I felt so empty.
"My mom..... um...... she was the only thing I had ........ she um...... you know what I can't do this." I said as I walked away, I get in my car and drive to my mom's house.

I felt so empty, like I just needed to get out of there. I just couldn't take it.

When I get there I opened the door. Everything was in place just how she kept it when I was little. I came across a photo we took on my first day of 6th grade and that's when I just fell to my knees and started crying. I was so mad at the world, and mad at everyone. I even got to the point where I questioned my decision of being a nurse. I mean why didn't the doctors help her? I sat there thinking about all the good memories we had together.

Hours later I heard the front door open. And look up to see Finn, Charles, Zoe, and Josie inside. I looked up at them and said,
"She was my world and I was her's, she maybe dead but she'll always be with us." Zoe gets down on her knees and sits with me.
"Yea she'll always be with us. How you feeling?" Josie added. I chuckled. "How I'm feeling? I'm feeling mad, pissed, angry, and I'm tried of people asking me how I'm feeling or how I'm holding up. This-this- all of this is reminding me of her. All the good and bad memories. Their all in one place and I'm just tired. I'm tired of living."
"Don't say that." Charles says as he gets down on his knees and sits down with us.

"It's the truth. I'm broken without her and  what's the point of living if everyone I love is gonna go away? I'm just tired......... I'm tired of all this-this-this is a lot for me." Charles gets closer to me and pulls me into a hug and said, "I know it's a lot for you right now but you will get over this. I promise, it-it might take some time, luv. But you will get there, I promise. You have Noah who needs you, he just got here. You can't give up on him now. That's who your living for."

We get back to Charles's house where everyone gathered after the funeral. Everyone was still talking about all the good things and memories they had with my mother.
I sat in a chair outside on the front porch.

As I was sitting there a tall man came to me and sat next to me. It was Elizabeth's stepfather. Leroy Micheals. He sat there and he had a box with him. "You're mom, she was ummm...... a very lovely woman. I remember when we were younger back in high school. She was the nice girl out of all of her friends. Everybody loved her."
"You knew her?" I asked quietly. I was losing my voice.

"Yes, we were good friends, and she was the sweetest. She wanted me to give you this." He hands me the box. "What's this?" I said.
"It's a box to all the questions about your father. Leroy." He says.
"She wanted me to give it to you when she was....." he stops talking.
"I don't want to know anything about that man." I say handing him the box back.

"Just take it, look you don't even have to open it right away but it'll be nice if you just take the box." He insists, so I took it from him but I still won't open the box.

He leaves and goes inside while I take a minute and then go inside as well. When I get inside I see Leroy tapping his glass trying to get everyone's attention. "Hey can I get everyone's attention please." Once it's silent he continues talking.
"Caitlyn was the most amazing, caring, beautiful, loving person I've ever met in my life. She was always the life of the party growing up, wherever she went she spread her positivity and her loving heart. Today she's no longer with us but she'll always be in our hearts and that will never change. To Caitlyn, everyone!" And everyone else replied, "To Caitlyn."

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