Chapter 2: Ed

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Here's to all the crush we have had.....
And as promised: to @BlueAngleLove being my 1st voter;
@obsessedoverbooks for the encouraging comment on my work;
also to all my followers (tmtm).
Hope you all continue supporting my work. Muchie thanks everyone. Enjoy!

Eduard Jun "Ed" Del Rio, belong to the Werds. A shy type teenage boy, hidding his blue eyes on thick-lense eye glasses, have good set of teeth and dimples on both cheeks but smiling is not his hobby so no one ever noticed. His over-all features are of a half-European from his unknown father and half-Filipino from his mother. A diligent self-supporting student by having part-time jobs while maintaining high grades for his scholarship qualifications.

"Del Rio, Eddie Jun" Miss Bright repeated louder.

"Present, Miss Bright." Ed exclaimed as he stand in surprise as his friend Paul elbowed him.

"Oh there you are Mr. Del Rio." Miss Bright looking not pleased "Been daydreaming?"

Most of the class laughed and stared at him.

He wants to run from the embarrassment but instead, he simply replied, "No Miss Bright and it's Eduard, not Eddie."

Students stop laughing but you can hear whispers spreading from one to the other.

"Silence class! My apologies Mr. Del Rio, EDUARD Jun but please sit down." Miss Bright emphasize the first name he corrected.

Miss Bright continues the roll call...

But it took him awhile to sit down. He felt he was frozen from minutes of attention which felt like an hour.

His teacher was right. He was daydreaming that he haven't heard her calling his name. If not for the young lady in the front row with curly hair plus his teacher mentioning the girl's beautiful name he won't be feeling throwback in that time. Back to where he first saw her walking gracefully like an angel. He felt everything disappeared between them like they're the only person in the room.

"Erase, erase, erase! Man concentrate on your lesson. You don't want another embarrassment, do you?" He thought.

"That's it, 30 students in this class. Good to know you're all present on our 1st day. Welcome back, everyone." Miss Bright said while passing a booket, "Please get one and pass, that's our school years' schedule of activities and your class schedule also. As you know, this is your last year in high school. Hope you all cherish every moment here before it's all over." She continues orienting them of what to expect this school year.

The bell rang...

"Don't forget to attend the welcome program this afternoon at the stadium class, if you want extra credits." Miss Bright reminded.

Everyone automatically grab their things and hurriedly go out of the room. Most of the students are heading to the cafeteria to grab something to eat, others just want to hang out there but for Ed and his friends its to earn some extra income. Vacant hours are equal to work hours for them. Ed works as a helper in their school cafeteria's kitchen.

"Man what happened back there during class?" Paul ask.

"Nothing man. I thought it wasn't me. Eddie is diffirent fron Eduard right?"

"I know but your face went blank. What or who is it huh?!" Paul teases him.


"You two get back to work. Can't you see the dishes piling up in front of you?" the cook interrupts.

"Yes Sir." they answered in unison.

"Next time man." Paul reminded him.

Ed just smiled. "That was close. I'll think of a better excuse next time." He thought.

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