Chapter 8: Foreign

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"First impressions last", they say. I don't think so. You should know the person first before you judge them. But then again, no one has the right to judge someone. It's a bit contradicting so just continue reading the story anyway.

Jay was already outside the car and was opening her doorside. "Thanks but you don't need to do that." She scanned the area if her friends were in their usual place when they're arriving early for class.

"Are you looking for someone? A boyfriend maybe who might get jealous if he saw us together coming today?"

"What?" She was shock by his remarks. "I'm just looking for my girl friends. Thought they might be at our usual place. I think I'm the only one coming early today. And hey, what gave you an idea about a boyfriend. I don't and not planning to have one or more."

"I was just confirming if you're really single as to your status on Facebook. Anyway, you can't plan on getting in a relationship. It just comes along naturally." Jay feeling relieve because she saw Mia's post about him this morning. He really thought she's telling his boyfriend not to get jelous. "Haven't you seen my comment on your IG when you posted my back?"

"So you're stalking me on Facebook huh?!" Mia was blushing again. "Anyway, sorry on posting you like that. I haven't seen your comment yet. But hey you're following me on IG as well? Since when?"

"Too bad if you're not planning to have a boyfriend 'coz I really thought we'll be great together, Anna." Jay teases. "N'way, I already added you on Facebook just waiting for you to accept my request and I followed you on IG last night 'coz your name just won't get out of my mind when I met you. You're one of a kind."

"Whatevz. I had enough of you're teasing in just less than an hour. Let's just get to our classroom. I've some things I forgot to discuss with you that you should know when you became a student here."

Jay followed Mia to their classroom still curious of what she should tell him. "Temporarily, you'll be seating here." She tap the seat beside her.

"You sit in the front row Anna?" said Jay in mix of disbelief and amaze state.

"Do you have problem with front rows?"

"Nothing! I just thought you're part of the cheer leading squad or something and you sit at the back row. No offense."

"Non-taken because you're totally wrong. I kinda like the feeling when you're wrong. And FYI cheerleaders are always on the frontline of the game." she said with contentment and a bit of a laugh.

"Miss Bersaba can you please lower your voice?" Grace teases as she entered the room.

"Where is..." Yanne and MG were rushing and stop in the middle of their question when they saw Jay sitting beside her.

"Jay meet my girl friends, very graceful Jessie Grace Gonzales, pretty Yanne Claire Andrada and gorgeous Mary Goldy Valenzuela. Bezzy, this is Jayson David Schwartz." Jay was impress that Mia can pronounce his last name correctly.

"Just call me Grace."

"Me either Pretty or just Yanne."

"MG for short."
Her friends told Jay as each shake hands.

Just after their small introduction the bell rings and students are filling up the room.

"Who's seating here before me?" Jay ask.

"It doesn't matter they all know the rules. That I haven't told you yet. So just stay with me and we'll talk about it on breaktime." Jay was about to ask Mia what rules she's talking about but.

"I see you've been acquainted with our new student Miss Bersaba." Miss Bright said as she entered the room. And they all went silent.

"Good morning class! As you see we got new face here at the room. Please stand Mr. Schwartz. Did I pronounce it right?"

"Yes, Miss Bright!" though at the back of Jay's mind it's not as good as Mia's pronunciation. 

"Please introduce your name and tell us something about yourself."

"Hey everyone! I'm Jayson David Lagdameo-Schwartz, 17yrs. old., from Vienna, Austria. Only son of Mr. Fredrich Schwartz, a European entrepreneur and Mrs. Bethany Lagdameo-Schwartz, a Filipina and devoted housewife. My father's business took us from different places and back here in the Philippines. I guess that'd all for now. Looking forward to know everyone also." Everyone gave him a round of applause. Mia quickly pulled him down to sit and looked at her friends. Jay give her a did-I-say-something-wrong look.

"Alright. Thank you for that short introduction. Welcome to my class Mr. Schwartz! I'm sure everyone wants to know you too. Class, you know the drill."

Everyone at IIA know how Miss Victoria P. Bright starts the class and that's by class roll call. Attendance is one of her major factor to get higher grades. She believes that by merly going to class a student shows interest to learn.

Miss Bright is busy writing on the board. "Alright. Class please get a piece of paper, 1/2 crosswise." she said. Murmurs between students are spreading fast than getting a piece of paper and it gets to Miss Bright ear. "It will just be an essay class. Just a short reaction paper of what can you say about or any experiences during the welcome program yesterday. From there I can evaluate how far have you been with your English grammar for our next lesson."

And specific thought of yesterday pops in Mia's head. She was about to turn at the back to see if Ed was looking and if he was thinking of it too. But before she could turn around Jay whispered "Did I say something wrong awhile ago?"

Then the trail of her thoughts were cut off. She didn't replied and just past Jay a note "LATER".

Jay was about to reply but interrupted by Miss Bright, "And for you Mr. Schwartz, you're not exempted. I got special reaction paper for you. Please write something about your first impressions about the school or even your classmates."

Success can be spelled on Mia's facial expression. She thought to thank Jay later. If not for his interruption she could have look back to Ed and her friends might caught her then dethrone  her by associating with a Werds.

"Not a chance." Mia thought.

Seems like Mia and Jay are getting along well though they've just met. What do you think?

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