Chapter 10: Perfection

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Friends are your chosen family,
Be wise and select carefully;
Appearance is not important,
Or how many do you want;
As long as their hearts are lovely.
(Poem title "Chosen Family" 1st stanza from my poetry book "A Lefty Life [Orig. Lines and Stanzas]" pls. check out also)

There was a long queue when they arrived at the cafeteria. Noises are heard from every corner. But instead of falling in line, they went straight to their table. They don't own literally the table but by their table means the table they assigned for themselves as the Perf. Their spot should always be at the center far away from the Werds, beside the Tyco and Varsy but not too close. As they settled in, Jay's face again was questionable.

"Aren't we going to fall in line?" He asked.

"Relax! Just wait and see. Oh here she come."  Mia said pointing at a girl approaching their table.

"Who?" Jay asked again and looked at the girl.

"May I take you order Miss B?" the girls asked with a little shaky voice.

"The usual." Mia said.

"How about for him Miss B?" she ask again not looking directly to them.

"Him is Mr. S, remember that. And he gets the same as mine." Mia in a bossy tone.

"Is that all Miss B?" now the girl's knees are slightly shaking.

"You should be back here by....lets see..." Mia looked at her watch "what do you think about 15mins bezzy?"she asked her friends.

"Couldn't agree more." they chorus.

"Time starts now. Go!" Mia said to the girl.

The girl hurriedly went away to get their meals.

"What was that all about? I thought it's a self-service cafe." Jay said pointing to the big signage at the cashier saying self-service.

"Jayson, Jayson, Jayson it's just your first day at school. So just watch and learn." Mia tapping Jay's shoulder while raising her eyebrow.

Jay looked at her hand that's on his shoulder and she get it away as fast as she could. The girls just look at each other like passing telepathic messages saying "awkward but sweet".

"Remember what I said this morning something about the rules here?" Mia ask Jay.

"Yes. I knew it already. I've been here at school yesterday for a one on one orientation at the guidance office."

The girls laughed at him. "Stop it girls you know we don't have time for that." Mia interrupts. "As I've said also there are more to know here than the rules implied by the school board. We, students got our own set of rules with each other. We call it our Social Rules."

"I don't know where it is going. You got some social rules aside from school rules? Enlighten me please."

"Just don't interrupt me. The sooner I can explain the better for you to get it. Reserve the questions later okay" Mia continued. "To better understand it, is to know it's origin. Social rules were established 5years after our school was founded. Students were classified according to their strength,weakness or social status. Compose of 4 groups, the Perf, the Tyco, the Varsy and the Werds." Mia explained how each group works and that each shouldn't associate with the other especially with the Werds.

"Then in what group am I in?" Jay ask overwhelmed of the information thats not totally making sense to him.

"You'll see later." Mia assures. Just as their food arrives. Mia check the time, "You're about 2minutes late." she said as the girl. "You know what to do when you're late right? Now go do it." she said to the girls. Her friends again eyeing each other.

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