Chapter 5: Working Student

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Mysteries are always part of life. To find the unknown may be exciting for some while for others it is terrifying. Our future will always be unpredictable. But if we have strong will to go on,  we can always overcome fear of failure. Remember "If you tried and failed it is not failure itself but failure is by not trying at all." Always hope for a better tomorrow.

Left foot. Right foot. Inhale. Exhale. Left foot. Right foot. Brakeee!!!

"Woah! That was close." Ed thought when he almost hit a black cat that suddenly pass in front of him while he was riding his bicycle as fast as he could. "It's not a good sign. Hope I can make it to the meeting." Looking worried at the time, he continued his journey going to the hotel.

"Finally, you're here." the security guard greeted him and gave him the log book. "Hurry up! The meeting is at the convention hall I think all male employees are already there except you and me."

"Thanks Sir! What do you mean by all male employees? So the female aren't included on this meeting? Why?" he wondered while logging in his name.

"Enough talking kid. I don't know but I'm excempted so just inform me later on, okay? Now, you better run!"

And run he did. Passing by his locker to drop off his belongings, put on his name tag, then sprinted to the convention hall. He'll be damned if the bosses get there first or worst if the meeting started already. But judging by the noise coming from the inside, he felt lucky their big boss isn't there yet. Sweating and catching his breath he exhaled before going in.

Everyone was also wondering why there were no female employees called for this meeting. "So I wasn't the only one wondering about it. Maybe, the boss found out that we don't surrender some of our tips." He thought, a little bit alarmed while observing the others. Some thought maybe the brawl involving a male employee and a custumer at a certain bar weeks ago reached the boss' office. Others disagree because it was outside the work place. Maybe the company is going bankrupcy and they'll layoff employees starting with the male first. Still others, keeping their positive attitude said maybe it is for salary increase for the male who gets hardest part of the job. More urguements and noises arise.

Mr. Bersaba cleared his throat to announce his presence as he entered the hall and they all automatically went silent. "Good evening. I can see you're all anxious why I called this meeting only for the male employees. Anyway, let us not wait long for the answer." He signal to his assistant and she pass around a sheet of paper. "As you can see our company is growing big and hopefully goes global in the coming years but as they say the more money you have the more risky your life becomes. So I want you all to fill up that paper honestly because that will play a big role for our security. I'll leave you now to Mrs. Cortes and her team to explain further about it. Thank you all for participating. Have a good night everyone." He said before exiting the hall. "Oh and before I forget mid-year bonus are coming in early just so you know to inspire." Then the door closes behind him with a big smile on his face.

And the noises resumed and became louder than before.

"Excuse me! Can I have you attention please." shouted Mrs. Cortes and everyone listened. "Don't be too excited for the bonus yet. You heard Mr. Bersaba right? Just fill those papers honestly the soonest so we can all go back to our work. If you have some questions or clarifications feel free to ask."

"Why do we need to fill this up Ma'am? I think some of this infomation are available at the HR Department." Ask one of his fellow employee. Others murmur in agreement.

"As you said some but not all so please just fill up. We won't bothering our hotel operations if it's not highly important." Mrs. Cortes looking irritated at the question. "And as you can see the last part is an essay." she added.

"Are you going to fire us if we screw up on this?" asked Ed looking worried.

She almost laugh at the question. "Why would you think that? We're not in school boy." She said looking at him. Then she face the others who's supressing a laugh at her answer to Ed's question. "For your peace of mind everyone, this is not an exam or evaluation that if you fail we're going to fire you. No! But for those who will pass, it will be an opportunity for something better to come. We will contact the best of three, based on their answers and recommendations from HR as well. Then we'll see from there. So do your best." She explained while waving a small envelop. "Each of you will have this envelop with reasonable amount I may add after you submit those papers to me. Consider it as a reward in return that you won't speak about this meeting to anyone. Are we clear?"

"Yes Ma'am!" They replied with excitement and continued answering.

"And remember anyone that is caught telling someone about this, you'll pay double this amount." she emphasize still holding the envelop and tapping it on the table.

Their excitement turned to curiosity. They were all uncertain of the task but still goes on as long as they will be compensated for doing so. Besides, gossiping is not a male's forte.

First part was simple. Basic information like full name, nickname, age, birthdate, height, weight and contact information.
Next part was more of favorites such as color, book, movie, place, food, sport and the like. "This is easy and fun. Feels like writing on a slamnote." He thought, remembering the time when one of the girls from his class asked him to sign on her slamnote. He blushed thinking he was to masculine for such a thing but he signed anyway just not to embarrass the girl.

"Where did this question came from? Tricky!" His thought was back to the paper in front of him. "Who is your favorite super hero? Given a chance, do you want to be like him? Why or why not?" Reading to himself the last part of the questions. He analyzed the question thoroughly. And began to answer minding no one in the room.

"Hey Boy! Excuse me!" someone called him. He look up to see Mrs. Cortes already in front of him.

"Yes Ma'am?!" He said questioning.

"I can see you took your time there. Look around!" She gestures.

And as he looked around, only to find out that all the other employees are gone. He can feel the heat from the looks of Mrs. Cortes and his team. He tried to finish his answers and pass the paper to Mrs. Cortes. "Sorry to keep you waiting Ma'am." He said and catch a glimpse of Mrs. Cortes smiling as she scanned his work. He let out a deep sigh and quickly exits the hall.

Ed started to work at The Fab and Fave Suites when he met Mr. Bersaba the summer he was fired after the accident that happened on Mia's party. He went to the hospital to explain his side so he can get his work back but the patient don't accept visitors aside from her close friends and family. Luckily, he bump to Mr. Bersaba on his way out. The old man saw his honesty and offered him a job instead. He works 3hours during weekdays from 7pm-10pm at the hotel's kitchen where dishes pile up during dinner time. Saturdays, he works fulltime at the kitchen from opening of the resto 10am to the closing 10pm. Sunday is a rest day, time with the Lord. His mother instilled a deep Christian faith in him. "Back to work boy!" He demanded to himself.

I know, I know it's long over due. I became like that of this chapter's intro I got stuck, terrified and discouraged. But now I got my hopes and inspirations back then started writing again. Still hopeful I can and will finish what I've started working. Just please be patient with me. Thank you so much for sticking around.

VOTES, COMMENTS and SHARES are always appreciated!

Muchie thanks!!!

📸: ctto

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