Chapter 6: Unexpected

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Being hospitable, one of the major characteristic we Filipinos are known for. That is why a lot of tourists want to visit our country aside from our famous tourist attactions. It's not always what you see outside what is important is what you are inside, deep down in our heart of hearts.

Meanwhile at the other side of the hotel...

Click and type "Dinner with Dad #raremoments" then post on her IG as her dad's promise to eat dinner with her tonight.

"Young lady what have I told about gadgets and food?" Mr. Bersaba asked.

"That it's a toxic combination." Mia replied.

"Then?" He persisted.

"I know Dad. Sorry, there I put it back on my purse." doing what she said.

Mia and her Dad had an agreement not to use gadgets or anything that can distract while they're eating together.

"As I was saying, I'll be flying to Malaysia this weekend to meet our foreign investors. Do you want to come with me for the weekend?" Mr. Bersaba asked.

"I'd love to Daddy but I know you'll just leave me by myself because you'll be very busy with business appointments." she said while taking a bite of her steak.

"You can take a tour while I'm on a meeting and we can see each other afterwards. What do you say?" her father insisted.

"I say thanks for insisting Dad but no thanks. I wanna have a real vacation with you not on business trip. Will next time be okay?" Giving her father an assuring look for that next time.

"Alright I know you're a big girl and I can't convince you that easily now." he said and they both laugh. Then continued their meal.

"Sorry, excuse me Sir." Mrs. Cortes said while gesturing at the guest coming to their table.

"Oh good to see you Jayson." Mr Bersaba welcoming the guest.

"Sorry to interrupt your meal Sir." Jayson was shaking hands with Mr Bersaba but eyeing Mia at the table.

"Don't be too formal Kiddo." Mr. Bersaba acting casually, "Take a sit." and Mia act surprise that her father allowed someone to sit with them at their spot. She knows he reads her mind "Jay, this is Mianna Alexandria Bersaba, my one and only beloved daughter. Mia, this is Jayson David Schwartz, the son of your Godmother Beth remember?" Her father making small introduction.

Jay offered his hand for a shake "Finally, I'm so glad now that I met you." They shake hands but suddenly the guy kissed her hand and she pulled it away as fast as she could and eyed her father. "My apologies. Did I scare you?" He asked and she didn't replied. "It was just an accustom of ours." He said in defense. Mia just replied with a smirk.

"No worries Jay, my daughter is just a bit shy I think which is uncommon of her." her father said giving her a look.

"It's okay Mr. Bersaba we got the whole semester to know each other more. Your father talks a lot about you and showed us pictures of you when we met back home in Austria." Jay said.

"Hope it was all nice!" Mia replied emotionless.

"Ofcourse, he's so proud of you and that is why I've been eager to meet you!" Jay said enthusiastically.

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