chapter one

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i ran down the stairs as i heard the door open and my best friend shout through the empty house.

"edwin joel honoret!!" i yelled as i jumped off the last step and tackled him into a hug. "i missed you bitch!" i smiled and pulled away.

"kennadee jeweliana luis!!" he mocked me and jumped around. "it's only been two weeks jewel." he said as he walked to the kitchen.

my mom and step dad were on a business trip since the summer started and i have been alone for about two weeks because edwin was on vacation for most of july.

"yeah two weeks alone." i followed and got a granola bar out of the pantry. "that's a very long time ed." i tugged the wrapper open.

"okay we have to get going. school starts in 10 minutes." edwin rolled his eyes. i chuckled as i got my black jansport and went to edwin's car.

we drove in mostly silence but small talk was made here and there. we finally made it in the school parking lot and got out of the car.

we both went to the office first to get our schedules because we didn't go to orientation. "okay what classes do you have ed?" i asked as we exited the office.

"here check yourself." he handed me his schedule and it showed that we had almost all classes together. "we have 2nd 3rd 4th and 6th period together." i handed it back to him.

"so i have 2 classes to recover from your annoying ass." he sighed playfully in relief. "oh shut up you can't live with out me." i smiled as i patted his shoulder.

he hummed an answer and told me he was going to his friends for the next few minutes. i went and found my other friend, baylee, and we talked about summer.

after awhile to bell rung so i walked to my first class, dance. as i walked to the dance room a few people were already here. there was a paper on the big mirror and i decided to go read it like everyone else.

hello students! welcome back to dance.
this year is gonna be a bit different.
I will not be teaching dance this year
so you have a dance captain.
everyone please welcome
Kennadee Luis as the new
please respect her wishes and rules.
much love dancers! ~ Coach K.

there is no was i could be dance captain. that's insane! grateful for the opportunity i just walk to the front of class and introduce myself.

"well hey everyone, if you don't know already my name is kennadee and i'll be the dance captain this year. to be honest i don't really know anything so bare with me. i guess we should make the most of this year." i smiled.

i just told everyone for today they could go on their phones because i literally had no clue about this and it came as a surprise.

after an hour or so class ended so i walked to the other side of the school for the biology building. as i turned the corner i bumped into someone making me roll my eyes and taking out my ear buds.

"watch where you're going next time." the tall figure said. "first of all kuwonu, you bumped into me." i scoffed as i kept walking.

that bitch gets on my nerves. i made it to class a few seconds before the bell rang. in the back i found edwin saving me a seat.

well today is gonna be a long day.


this is so baddd
i'm sorry😹
~ dummyzion <3

chapter one published: may 31, 2019, 6:59 a.m
( e d i t e d )

edited: august 20, 2020

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