Ashley's Prince Part 1

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Chapter 14

Rather than make a fool of myself there, I decided to take a seat in the waiting area and await the arrival of the Grim Reaper. I watch the area while it's being filled with reporters, policemen, and ambulances.

Upon observation, I realized that we were no longer in the Philippines. This is another country, maybe Washington, D.C., or somewhere in America.

I just sighed and continued watching.

I think it will be 5 pm here as the sun will set and some street lights will be on. The city is overcrowded and far from the face of the Philippines, so it's not surprising that the luxurious cars and American tourists passing by confirmed in my mind that I wasn't really in the Philippines.

However, it is funny that I don't even get bored. I just stare, blankly and silently. I still do not lose that feeling. The feeling I felt earlier made me sigh.

"Look who's here; the talk of the underworld realm, the Guardian of Soul." That is when I looked up at the man who was speaking. But I almost revoked the word "man" when I saw who it was. He isn't a human because he's a grim reaper too.

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Ashley who was fond of Disney. Her parents considered her a princess, so they gave her everything she wanted. That's why she grew up pampered.

Like the grim reaper who does not want to be called by his name, this one is also wearing a black cloak and wearing a pandora hat. He had a pointed nose, and his grey eyes were beautiful. His eyebrows are thick and his long scar on his face is noticeable, but that does not reduce his perfection. But unlikely to the grim reaper, who doesn't want to be called by his name, this one is wearing a smug face as if there is something hilarious.

Okay, what does this one need from me?

In the last few weeks, I was with the Grim Reaper, who did not want to be called by his name. I also lost my fear of creatures like them. I guess I forced myself not to be scared. But yeah, I won't say that I am no longer terrified of them.

He removed his hat and turned to me. If Saint has a deathly cold personality, this one has not done anything yet, but his pride is already screaming at him. Am I the weird one or him? He was grinning ear to ear as I just stared at him blankly.

Something is off with him.

But what he said a while ago caught my attention.

Guardian of the soul?

"I know I'm handsome, but please stop staring. It's kind of intimidated me. " He uttered that without blinking. I just sighed and removed my gaze.

Yeah, I won't deny that this grim reaper was handsome too, but Saint was much more handsome.

Oh, am I being bias? I don't think so. Saying something truly isn't being biased.

But being a princess should have a prince. So, Ashley always asked her parents when her prince would come. What her parents always answer is "tomorrow," so Ashley often looks forward to waking up in the morning. Every day, her parents tell her different reasons every time she asks why her prince is not there yet, which she repeatedly believes.

Instead of paying attention to what he said, I asked him. "Guardian of the soul? Is that supposed to be me? "

"Oh, so the most hated Grim Reaper didn't explain anything to you? Without glancing, I nodded. "Yeah, what should we expect? After all, that is Saint. " It seems like he just remembered something that should not have surprised him. "But I thought all the current generation of Guardians knew it already. I mean, you had to have known, Miss.There's nothing to explain because you're already aware of your responsibilities.You are born with a piece of knowledge about it. " This time he seriously said that. I was stunned in some ways, as if something was wrong.

What was the Guardian of the Soul in the first place? Saint also refers to me as such.

And what is this grim reaper talking about? Is he saying that I am a Guardian of Soul and I am supposed to know that, so there is no need to explain?

That made my forehead frown.

But hell, if I knew anything, why would I ask?

At that point, I turned to him. I waited to see if he would say more, but in the end, I just sighed for the third time. I already know from his face that there is no way he will explain, tell me the truth, or add anything. I see that, even though he is just smiling.

Maybe I can convince him, but I know I will just get tired of nothing. So what's the use if I convince him? There's nothing I can do.

So, I just removed that thing from my mind and just kept quiet.

"You won't convince me to tell you anything?" He asked, maybe because he was clueless about what I was thinking. Last time, the grim reaper, who doesn't want to be called by his name, told me that only he can penetrate what I am thinking because he is my superior.

The heck with that?

I just shook my head to remove such a grim reaper that was bothering my mind and chose to focus my attention on the one I was talking to.

"Let's not fool around here. I know that even if I force you, you will not speak either." I was forced to speak. I am serious. I don't want to talk to any grim reapers, unless it's the jerky grim reaper who doesn't want to be called by his name.

"I see." He frowned. "You don't want to talk to me?" I didn't answer. It wasn't a question after all. Maybe he can't penetrate what I am thinking, but my emotions are now visible. I shrugged and decided to look around. "But you're talking to Saint I saw both of you a while ago talking. That's unfair! " My forehead frowned again at what he said. What is this grim reaper talking about?

But the frown turned to laughter all of a sudden when I saw how his smile faded.

"Why are you laughing?" He then sighed like a child. I didn't know the Grim Reaper could be funny like this. How I wish I could see Saint pouting like this. Maybe that's more interesting.

Damn! I can't imagine it.

"You are ridiculous."

"Tsk! Everyone's told me that. "

"Great, on the list, I'm not the only one."

I M _ V E N A

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