Lost Cat Part 1

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Chapter 26

So instead of answering his question, I chose to get out of his car. It was nice that we stopped not far from the convenience store. There I went to get instant noodles that I had already put hot water on, and I also bought ice cream. Then I decided to go back to where I found Saint standing outside the car. His face is still awful, but I think it's worsened by now.

"I asked earlier and then you left—" I did not finish what he was going to say and quickly handed over to him the ice cream I brought, which seemed to surprise him. There I smiled at him.

"Hunger is the call of how you feel."

"Are you kidding me, human—" I did not finish him again. I took a deep breath before speaking.

"You're hungry, so you're hot-headed, as are humans. When they're hungry, they're hot-headed. " I did explain it to him slowly. Though I feel like he didn't believe me.

"I thought that stomach ache and it sounded like it was a sign that humans were hungry." He raised an eyebrow.

People are different. "What are you, Saint? The rest of them heat their heads when they are hungry. " He would have appealed to what I said, so I decided to get in the car and eat there just to make him stop. "That's enough questioning of bad spirits. I'm hungry. "

"What the hell!" I couldn't help but smile when I heard him swear. It was a sign that he had returned to his usual self and he was no longer frustrated about something I could not name. I chose to sit in the passenger seat and waited for the Grim Reaper to enter the driver's seat before I decided to eat.

I don't know if I will be shy or what to expect because he just stares at me while eating noodles.

"You do not want it?" I asked him. However, instead of answering, I heard something different from him.

"What is that?" I winced at his question. Why is he still asking? This is food!

"Isn't it obvious? Food is called—" at that point, I was the one he didn't finish.

"Stupid, I know that's food. What I mean is, what kind of food is that? "He said rudely, although it was obvious from the rise and fall of his sharp Adam's apple that he tasted the smell. He wants to eat too.

More than anyone else, I know myself very well. I know if I'm being honest or not. I know if I am sane or not. I know if I am hungry or not. I know what I want and what I do not want. As I know, I am just making way for this conversation we had and the food in front of me to escape the insane conversation earlier. To avoid the truth being seen but forcefully denied. Because I know more than anyone that it is impossible. It was impossible for the grim reaper I was with to be jealous of Stephen earlier. Like how impossible it is for him to like me.

"We call it noodles." I just said before eating again. He sneezed, which I laughed at but was prevented from making him hear it.

"Does that taste good?" There, I was stunned.

"Oooh! Do you already know what delicious tastes are? " I was shocked. However, maybe he did not like my reaction because the grim reaper's face in front of me finally went blank.

"What do you think of me being ignorant?"

"Isn't it?"

"Shut up and let me taste that." I was not surprised when he pulled the instant noodles I was holding. I just winced at the thought that he's now being a hot-headed fucker like he used to be. Back then, he always had no emotions. So, I think of the two of us, he's having the most difficult time. He is as perplexed as I am, trying to adjust to our current situation.

If this grim reaper was so frustrated with the simple things he feels he is not used to, how about big things?

With that in mind, I decided to get out of the car, turn around, and go to the driver's seat. When I opened it, there was a look of surprise on Saint's face.

"What are you doing?" He asked while there were still noodles in my mouth. I crossed my arms before raising an eyebrow at him.

"Move, I'll drive." He looks like an innocent, hungry child who obeys my orders. But when I got on board, he asked again.

"Where will we go?"

"At your house." I simply said before operating the car. I was ten years old when my father taught me to drive. Maybe it's because I was a fast learner, so I learned easily.

"You can't go there; the death ministry doesn't let any human in." I winced at what he said. Only now did I realize that he was a bit dumb.

"I can hear your thoughts, human." I winced again. Here we are at his never-ending "human" word. "

I mean, at Albus' house, what are you thinking about?" He didn't answer after I said that, so I just focused on driving.

Saint could be strange at times.

In the city of Avalon, there lives an old man with a pet cat. He has no other companion in life, only the cat. His children have left him and are married. His wife is no longer with him because she died. That is why all of the old man's attention is focused on the cat. He takes care of it, bathes it and feeds it.

I M _ V E N A

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