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Elizabeth was crying in her bedroom, til Diane entered the room.

Diane: Elizabeth! What's going on? Why are you crying?

(She said concerned)

Elizabeth: (sobbing) I-It's nothing.. really I'm fine...

Diane: Elizabeth... I can see that's something wrong, you know you can tell me anything okay? So what happened?

(Elizabeth showed a slight smile to Diane before she was going to talk)

Elizabeth: Alright.. it's Sir Meliodas... He broke up with me! And he left and he said he was not coming back anymore!

(She bursted into tears in Diane's arms)

(Diane's in shock)

Elizabeth: After Sir Meliodas came back to life he was starting to get acting cold to me and distant, like his feelings for me were starting to fade away.

Diane: (comforting Elizabeth) What?! That makes no sense! Why?! Why would the captain do that? Everybody knows he loves you Elizabeth.

(Elizabeth dried her tears)

Elizabeth: I-I'll tell you it started a few days ago, after he battled that big purple Demon, Fraudrin.

(Elizabeth voice) After the big fight between Meliodas and Fraudrin Meliodas was quiet and distant.

Sir Ban, Merlin, and Escanor were worried about him, me included.

So later that night we went back to the Boar Hat, or what's left of it.

At some point he sat alone and I decided to company him but I got a feeling he didn't want me there... He was acting distant and quiet and he just walked away also, with the new Boar Hat, he slept 1 night in the same room as I, but... In that night he was dreaming intensively he called out a name... He said Melascula... Melascula I want to go to you. Those words really hurt me... After that night he didn't sleep in the same bedroom anymore.

We had an argument the few days after.

Elizabeth: Sir Meliodas... Why have you been so distant lately?

Meliodas: Elizabeth...

Elizabeth: No, I want an answer. Since you saved everyone, you have been cold and distant, and worse of all you called out a name in your sleep...

Meliodas: Look... I don't know what you think you heard...

Elizabeth: I heard it quite well. You said Melascula in your sleep.

(She said with tears in her eyes)

(Meliodas is silent)

Elizabeth: Well?! (Still tearing up)

(Meliodas had a hard time to put the words together of what he was gonna say)

Meliodas: Look Elizabeth, I have t-to admit that something has changed... Since I came back...

(Elizabeth started crying)

Meliodas: And I don't know why I called out her name...

But I guess it's time for me to leave you, and the rest of the Sins behind, cause my feelings for you have also changed... And this is not the place where I'm meant to be.

Elizabeth: No please! Don't go!

Meliodas: I'm really sorry... But... It's over... Goodbye. (He walked out the door and left)

(Back at the bedroom at Elizabeth and Diane)

Elizabeth: So that is how it happened.

Diane: I can't believe it... I really can't.

But something's is off... Is the captain hiding something from you, Elizabeth?

Elizabeth: I don't know...

Diane: Well, this is what we're gonna do!

(Elizabeth is at Diane)

Diane: let's get the rest of the Sins! Cause we're going to get him back for you, Elizabeth!

(Elizabeth smiles)

Meanwhile a few miles from The Kingdom of Liones,

Meliodas: (voice)

(looking at the night sky)

I don't know how or why, but however long it takes... I will find my way back to you... Melascula.

To be continued-

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