The Ritual

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( Holy Land of the Druids. )

( All of them approach the heads of the Druids. )

Jenna: Welcome! We were expecting all of you.

Elizabeth: You really have?

Jenna: Yes we are Goddesses just like you Elizabeth, Me and my Sister Zaneri fought in the last war. to put that aside... you are all not here for small talk.

Meliodas: No, we are not the reason that we are here---

( Zaneri interrupts. )

Zaneri: To break the curse on Elizabeth.

( Everyone looks at her. then Merlin speaks up. )

Merlin: Yes, we are here for that Elizabeth remembers the person from her past who can break her curse, I believe that there is a ritual to dive in her past so that she can see it for herself who that is.

Jenna: Ah, yes. The Past life's Ritual. I know of the ritual and so does Zaneri. The ritual is not dangerous but there are some things you need to know about it, Elizabeth...

Elizabeth: What... are those things I need to know?

Jenna: Well, in this ritual you have to do it alone no one can come along, because you are the one who has to see it. 

Elizabeth: I understand. 

Diane: Wait what? nobody can come? but I can't let you go alone?!

( Elizabeth hugs Diane. )

Elizabeth: Diane... I'll be fine, don't worry about me Okay?

( Diane smiles and nods to Elizabeth. )

( Elizabeth turns to Merlin. )

Merlin: Big Sis Sis, I know you'll be alright ( she smiles. )

( Meliodas takes Elizabeth's hands. )

Meliodas: Come back safely Elizabeth. ( He let's of a gently smile. )

( Elizabeth smiles and goes with Jenna to perform the ritual. )

( They walk inside a cave. )

Elizabeth: I feel very relaxed here.

Jenna: Yes, this is Holy Ground where you standing on.  Alright, Listen, Do you understand how this works?

Elizabeth: Yes, I have to meditate first while I'm deep in meditation you'll perform te spell to send me back to my past.

Jenna: Very good, but something else... you are only able to watch as a third person, you have no interaction and nobody will see you. That's how the Ritual works.

Elizabeth: I understand.

Jenna: Good. Now, prepare yourself to medidate.

( Elizabeth transforms herself into a Goddess. )

( Elizabeth uses her magic to meditate

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( Elizabeth uses her magic to meditate. )

Elizabeth: Meditation!  

( She floats in the air in a Meditate position, there is a ball of light around her where she meditates in. )

( After a while. )

( Jenna sees that she is in deep meditation. )

Jenna: Alright it's time to perform the spell.

Ακούστε τα λόγια μου μέσω αυτής της ημέρας και μέσα από αυτή την ώρα Καλώ την μεγαλύτερη δύναμη. Στείλτε αυτή τη γυναίκα πίσω στο παρελθόν της, ό, τι έχει να θυμάται μέχρι το τελευταίο. Αφήστε την να ψάξετε σε αυτό που έχει χάσει, μπορεί η ίδια να βρει το ένα, έχασε την αγάπη της.

Translation: Hear my words through this day and through this hour I call upon the greatest power. Send this woman back to her past, what she has to remember till the last. Let her search to what she has lost, may she find the one, her lost love.

( With that spell cast, Elizabeth is send back to her past 3000 years ago. )

( She sees many things and people, People she used to be friends with. also a few memories of her and Meliodas. )

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( She smiles at those memories

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( She smiles at those memories. but then she saw something she didn't expect to see... )

( Its a memory of her and someone else

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( Its a memory of her and someone else. )

Elizabeth: Huh? who is that?

( she didn't understand it at all. )

( Then she saw more memories of her and that man, they were in a romantic relationship.)

Elizabeth: ( In thought. ) Could that be the man who can break my curse?

( Even while she didn't understand it and who he even was, she couldn't help but smile. )

Elizabeth: I guess it's you I'll have to find even if I don't remember you, or your name... but I won't forget your face. Yes, it's time to go back.

( Elizabeth knows what she has to do. with that said she uses her power to go back where she meditates. )

( She opens her eyes and lands on the ground in the cave. )

Jenna: You're back! Good. You know what to do next?

Elizabeth: Yes, let's go back to the others.

To be continued---

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