Day 1

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( In the morning... )

( Elizabeth stares out of the window. )

( Diane walks over to Elizabeth. )

Diane: Hey, Elizabeth, what are you thinking?

( Elizabeth turns to Diane. )

Elizabeth: Oh, hey Diane, I remember everything. ( She said with a slight smile. )

( Diane looks at her with a smile. )

Diane: Really?! That's such good news, Elizabeth! Let's tell the others!

( Elizabeth and Diane walk outside to the group. )

Diane: Hey everyone! Elizabeth has amazing news!

Merlin: Oh? Big Sis sis, what is the exciting news?

Elizabeth: Well it's not really exciting...

( Then all the smiles they had on their faces turns into worried faces. )

Diane: What do you mean Elizabeth? back inside you said that you remembered everything.

( Meliodas looks surprised at Elizabeth and then speaks up. )

Meliodas: Really? Elizabeth? But how isn't that good news?

Elizabeth: Because... ( She's afraid to say it. )

Merlin: It's Okay, you can tell us, Big Sis sis. ( She said with a smile. )

( Elizabeth nods at Merlin. )

Elizabeth: The good  news is... I remember who the person is who can break my curse, but the bad news is... that he is dead...

( Everybody stares in shock at her. )

Diane: Dead? what do you mean? Who is that person?

Elizabeth: His name was Mael, Mael of the Four Archangel's just like me he was of the Goddess Clan, And we had a romantic relationship before Meliodas and I got together...

King: If you don't mind me asking... How did he die?

( Elizabeth looks at King. )

Elizabeth: Mael was murdered, by the Ten Commandments Estarossa of the Love. ( She's starting to cry. )

( Meliodas eyes just got big from shock. )

( Merlin hugs Elizabeth. )

( Gowther looks down for a sec but no one notices it. )

( Diane speaks up. )

Diane: But... If he's dead how are you suppose to break the curse?

( Elizabeth looks at Diane. )

Elizabeth: I don't know... but that's not all I wanted to tell you all...

Merlin: Oh? What do you need to tell us more Sissy?

Elizabeth: I had a dream last night... But it felt so real...

Meliodas: What did you dream about?

Elizabeth: My mother...

( Meliodas looks upset for a few seconds. )

Meliodas: And what did she say?

Elizabeth: Actually she apologized...

Diane: Wait a sec... the woman who cursed you apologized? 

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