The Curse

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( Everybody knows that Meliodas and Elizabeth are cursed, but the curses will be a little different in this story. Elizabeth is cursed with lost memories she is cursed by her lost love Mael. and Meliodas isn't cursed at all he has the ability from birth that he can't die he can't die, he only dies when Al his 7 hearts are dead. The Demon king zaps his emotions. but... there is a twist... Melascula is also cursed, you all wil see that in this chapter )

( In the time Meliodas betrayed the Demon Clan Melascula was Sad and angry. But she did'nt show it to anyone else, But the Demon King had a plan of his own... )

The past 3000 Years ago in the Demon Realm after Meliodas betrayed the Demon Clan and Joined the other four races, The Giants, The Humans, The Fairies, and the Goddesses.

( Zeldris walks to his father (The Demon King)

Zeldris: FATHER! THAT BASTARD DID IT! HE BETRAYED US! (he screamed pissed)

Demon King: I know, my son.

Zeldris: Father, with your permission, allow me to kill jim for his betrayal!

Demon King: Now is not the time for that. (Zeldris looks angry) My son, I have an important matter to speak with you, it will sure benefit you and the destruction of Meliodas.

( Zeldris looks pleased )

Zeldris: Of course Father, ( He smiles evil )

Demon King: We will speak this matter in private. Away from prying eyes or prying ears.

( They walk into a private room with thick walls where no one can hear them )

Zeldris: What's this important matter you want to talk about father? I'ts about the destruction of Meliodas, right?

Demon King: Patience, my son. That is indeed one of the matters were gonna discuss, but also we are gonna discuss about Melascula of Faith.

Zeldris: Because... They were together?

Demon King: Well they werent exactly discreet about their relationship... but Meliodas left her for Goddess Elizabeth. Now Melascula is sad and angry, which could cause problems...

Zeldris: Why? Isn't it a good thing she is? she won't turn over she is loyal to us.

Demon King: It's not a good thing at all, my son. those emotions cause doubt's that is exactly the reason why Meliodas has betrayed us all, and we cannot have that Melascula will do the same...

Zeldris: Wait... you want to use a spell on Melascula? So that she won't betray us?

Demon king: Not exactly... I'm going to put a curse on her I'm going to strip her of all her emotions. The Curse of Emtionless.

Zeldris: You know she is with the rest of the commandments fighting Meliodas and the Goddesses, right? ( He asked with suprise )

Demon King: Yes, but I will cast this curse in a few minutes, and you will watch.

( Zeldris Nodded )

( Meanwhile on the battlefield )

Meliodas: Becareful! don't let them get the upperhand! Elizabeth stay close!

Goddess Elizabeth: I will!

( The Ten Commandments are going to attack, Melascula is looking with despite at Elizabeth. )

( Meliodas gives Melascula a warning look. But Melascula is now eager to attack Elizabeth )

Melascula: Derieri, Monspeet, Galand, all of you go for Meliodas, that Godess wench is mine...

( The Demon King is getting the ingredients for the curse )

( All 3 of them are fighting Meliodas )

( Melascula Fights Elizabeth )

Melascula: COCOON of DARKNESS!

Goddess Elizabeth: Wha- What is this?! Show yourself!


( Melascula was gonna attack Elizabeth, but was stopped by Meliodas who flew through the darknes and threw a punch at Melascula )

( Melascula flew right high in the sky )

Meliodas: Leave her alone! Melascula! I'm not gonna let you do anything to her!

( Melascula was starting to get really pissed off )

( Melascula flied with high speed right onto Meliodas and started to fight him with a lot of punches )

Goddess Elizabeth: MELIODAS! ( She shouted )

( Meliodas fighted back at Melascula he punched her with full force, she flied away in the sky )

Meliodas: I'm fine! don't worry about me! go back to the others!

Goddess Elizabeth: On it!

( It was not the end of it Melascula was coming back from afar )

( The Demon King was starting to cast the curse on Melascula )

(Melascula flew back with ful force and starting fighting Meliodas, with a lot of punches )

( Back at the Demon King )

Demon King: Finally it's time.

( Demon King starting to chant )

( Back at the fight )

( Melascula was standing above Meliodas ready to kill him, but somnething stopped her for doing so )

Melascula: I... I don't feel so well ( She took a few steps back )

( Meliodas looked at her weird )

Meliodas: What's wrong with you?

( Back at the Demon King )

Demon King: ( Chanting the Curse ) Εγώ δια του παρόντος κατάρα σας να emotionless δαιμόνιο που μόνο πιστούς να το δαίμονα βασιλιά

Translation: I hereby curse you to a emotionless Demon which only faithful to the Demon King

( Back at the fight )

( Melascula was just looking at Meliodas but then... She saw all the beautifull moments they had together... being erased like it was nothing... )

( At that moment Meliodas knew she had been cursed by his father, The Demon king )

( Meliodas threw with everything he had a punch and Melascula flew far away from him )

( Back at the Demon King )

Demon King: And now the curse is casted.

( Zeldris nodded pleased )

Zeldris: Father, just out of curiosity, how can her curse be broken? just in case Meliodas tries to break it.

Demon King: There is only one way to break her curse... and that is by a True Love's Kiss.

( And that is how Melascula got cursed )

To be continued-

P.s: How Elizabeth got cursed will be shown in the next chapter!

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