The Journey to Istar Part 2

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( Elizabeth Wakes up )

All the Sins: ELIZABETH! ( They said in chorus )

Elizabeth: H-hey, everyone, ( she put a slight smile )

( Meliodas turns to Elizabeth )

Meliodas: Elizabeth... Are you okay?

Elizabeth: Meliodas! ...Wait... Why are we moving?

Merlin: Big Sis Sis, We are on our way to Istar, The holy land of the Druids. You remember what that is?

Elizabeth: Yes, I remember everything... But what are we gonna do there?

Diane: Elizabeth, Merlin told us that there is a ritual to dive back in your past so that we can look for the person who can break your curse.

Elizabeth: But even I don't remember who that is... how will we know?

Meliodas: we'll cross that bridge when we'll get there.

Elizabeth: But Melio---

( At that moment the ground trembled like an eartquake but it wasnt one, they heard heavy movement outside )

King: I'll go take a look outside!

( King went outside and he was shook, he saw a few Red and Grey demons )

King: Captain! you might want to come out here!

Meliodas: Coming! Elizabeth, you stay inside with Merlin, and Escanor. The rest come with me!

Elizabeth: But I---

( They go outside and Merlin touches Elizabeth's shoulder )

Merlin: Don't worry Big Sis Sis, they'll be okay ( She smiled )

( Elizabeth nodded to Merlin and smiled )

( Outside )

Diane: Captain look! there are so many!

Meliodas: Yeah, this is the work from my brother... Zeldris, to undermine us and that we don't get to Istar. Too bad for him, I'm not gonna let me stopped by him let's eliminate them all!

All the Sins: Hell Yeah! ( In chorus )

( They all start attacking the Demons )

King: Bumblebee! ( King launches a multitude of attacks which rapidly swarm the enemy in all directions )

Ban: Crazy Hunt! ( A technique used  to extract the vital organs of multiple enemies simultaneosly.  )

Diane: Crazy Rush! ( Diane summons an array of massive earthen fists to pummel her target. )

Gowther: Blackout Arrow! ( Gowther directs his Blackout technique into a light arrow that can be fired from his hands. After charging himself with his power he presses his hands together and fires the Blackout Arrow towards his target to render them unconscious. )

Meliodas: Trillion Dark! ( Meliodas launches a barrage of small spheres of high concentrated darkness at the opponent. )

( Some demons are slain but not all of them at their surprise. Some of them were not sensable for those attacks. )

( Inside )

( Elizabeth is looking to the fight through the window )

Merlin: I know you want to help Big Sis Sis, but it's better for you to stay inside. 

( Elizabeth is silent for a few minutes but then she looks atMerlin and speaks up )

Elizabeth: I know I can help! And I will! ( She said determined. )

( Outside. )

King: What now Captain?

Diane: Yeah, our attacks... it seems like it's not working at all...

Meliodas: Just keep on going! We can do it!

( but then.... someone comes outside. )

Meliodas: Elizabeth...

Elizabeth: I'm going to save you all!

( Everyone looks suprised )

Elizabeth: Empathic Power! ( She uses this ability to speak to the hearts and souls to the Demons. They all of a sudden don't want to fight anymore and they all retreat and leave.)

( Elizabeth turns to the Sins )

Diane: Elizabeth, that was amazing! I had no idea you had so much power.

( Elizabeth smiles to Diane. )

King: That was really impressive Elizabeth.

( Then Elizabeth turns to Meliodas. )

( Meliodas just smiles at her. )

Meliodas: Well now we can move on to Istar, Hawks Mom, let's go!

( They move further )

( They have reached Istar. )

( They all walk through the gate to enter Istar. )

Diane: It's really beautiful here!

Elizabeth: It sure is ( She shows a slight smile. )

( They approach the heads of the Druids. )

To be continued---

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