The Journey to Istar Part 1

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Melascula: I'm going to end you...

( Melascula is looking down at Elizabeth thinking on how she's gonna kill her )

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( Melascula is looking down at Elizabeth thinking on how she's gonna kill her )

Melascula: It would be very easy for me to kill you right now... But I rather see you suffer.

( Downstairs )

Merlin: So, Captain, what is the plan? We know so far how you need to break the curse on Melascula, but we don't know who the person is that can break the curse on Elizabeth.

( All of a sudden the Sins feel a strange persence )

Diane: Do you feel all that? it doesn't feel right.

King: You're right, it's like there's a huge negative energy...

( Meliodas suddenly knows where it comes from and rushed upstairs )

( Meliodas sees Melascula looking down at Elizabeth )

Meliodas: Melascula! Get away from her!

( Melascula turns around and looks at Meliodas, with no emotion on her face )

Melascula: Don't worry. I'm not gonna kill her... Yet. When that time comes, she'll die a horrible death... So prepare yourself. ( She said cold ) 

( Then she teleported away. )

( Meliodas turns to Elizabeth. )

Meliodas: Don't worry Elizabeth, I'm not gonna let you die this time. I'm gonna make sure you'll get your happy ending.

( The Sins come in the room )

Diane: Elizabeth! Is she okay?

Meliodas: Yes, she is.

Diane: Thank goodness. ( she said releaved )

Merlin: Captain, I think I know how we can find out who the person is that can breaks Elizabeth's curse.

( Everybody looks at Merlin )

Merlin: There is this ritual where you can see a person's past it's called Past life's Ritual. What we need for the ritual is the person who's previous life's so that's Elizabeth, and we need to go to Istar, Holy Land Istar. There are Druids there who can perform that Ritual.

Diane: Then what are we waiting for?! Let's go!

Merlin: Hold on, the road to it won't be easy, there are still enemies who wants to kill us. The Ten Commandments.

Meliodas: Whether it is dangerous or not, we need to get there asap.  ( He looks at Elizabeth ) I hope she wakes up before we get there... 

Merlin: Then we need to move right away.

( Meliodas Looks at Ban )

Ban: It's Okay Captain, whatever you do I'll always have your back. ( He smiled )

( Meliodas smiles back )

Meliodas: Then let's get going! ( He said optimistic )

Hawk: Alright Momma! Let's get going to Istar!

( They are on their way to Istar )

( But then Elizabeth wakes up )

To be continued---

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