Where it all began...

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Meliodas: (voice in head) However how long it takes, I will find my way back to you, Melascula.


(Meliodas Voice)

A long time ago, 3000 years ago to be exact, before The 10 Commandments were created. I was traveling on the surface, to explore the land that was beyond the Demon realm. I was walking into a forest, and there I saw a beautiful waterfall, there was all water around it. It looked like a waterfall pool, And there is when I first saw her... I saw a tiny snake transform into a Beautiful woman. A young woman with long, pink hair. She wears a sleeveless white leotard with horizontal and vertical lines in the middle and on top her breast. She also wears a pink bow on the choker. She wears long, pink stockings with white ornaments going around each stocking at the thigh. My heart started beating so fast, I never felt his way before... I didn't know why but I really wanted to get to know her, I had to know her name... So I decided to approach her.

(Meliodas Aproached the woman with the beautiful Pink hair)

(She was with her back to him, but she turned around to face Meliodas)

Melascula: And who are you? (She said in a rude way)

Meliodas: Hi there, My name is---

(She cut him of before he could finish)

Melascula: Why do you think I care what your name is... Get lost.

Meliodas: Now, now, nothing to get worked up about. (He grinned)

(she started to get annoyed, and attacked him with her darkness, she blasted him away with it.)

(Meliodas flew out of where the waterfall was. He was suprised by her attack, especially because she is a demon too. He decided to let it go and returned 2 days later at the same spot)

(Meliodas Approached the waterfall and saw the Pink haired woman bathed in it, He hides himself in the bushes to watch her. But the Pink haired woman wasn't dumb she could clearly hear that there was someone nearby)

Melascula: If you know what's good for you show yourself! (She said with anger in her voice)

(Meliodas comes from the bushed so she could see him, she covered her naked body with her darkness around her)

Melascula: It's you again... what do you want? (She said annoyed)

Meliodas: Well, for starters I didn't know you are a demon as well.

Melascula: (confused) As well?... What do you mean? Oh.. Wait... So you mean you are a De---

(Meliodas transformed into his Demon form. Melascula was suprised...)

Melascula: Well... That's answers my question if you were a Demon or not... (she said mockingly)

Meliodas: So what's it gonna take to get your mocking expression into a beautiful smile? and while were at it, What's your name?

Melascula: (She blushed slightly, with a slightly smile.) I-It's Me-lascula my name is Melascula.

Meliodas: Nice to meet you, Melascula. wanna spend the day together?

Melascula: S-sure. (she answered slightly with a slight blush)

(Meliodas Voice

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