Memories of the Past

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( the present, a few miles of Liones )

(Meliodas voice in head  )

What should I do? I know I shouldn't have left like that, but how could I stay? Maybe I should go back... I Know my long journey is about to break those curses of the 2 women I love, but I don't even know how, cause I don't remember it fully. If I remember then I know how to break the curses

Two amazing women, once those curses are broken I'll have to choose one of them, I'll have to let one of them down... Until then, I'll focus on how to break their curses.

I guess I'll have to go back, Merlin already knows about those curses, maybe she knows something on how I can get my memories back.

Meliodas: Well, I better get back to the Boar Hat.

( Meanwhile at the Boar Hat )

( Elizabeth walks down stairs )

Elizabeth: Hey, Diane? Can we talk?

Diane: Sure, is it about the captain? I promised we would get him back. (She smiled)

Elizabeth: No, it's not about sir Meliodas, it's something else.

Diane: Oh, what is it?

Elizabeth: I'm having strange dreams lately.

Diane: What kind of dreams?

Elizabeth: Well, most of the time I don't remember what I dreamed about, mostly short dreams but I dream a lot of the same...

( Diane interrupts Elizabeth )

Diane: Elizabeth, you know, whatever it is your dreaming, it's just dream's they are not real.

Elizabeth: No, you don't understand, they feel real it's like they are memories, like... From a previous life... What does that mean?

( Diane is confused )

Diane: Wait... What kind of dreams do you exactly have?

Elizabeth: About girls who look exactly like me...

Diane: I think we need to ask Merlin for help come on.

Elizabeth: Right.

( As that conversation ended, they gathered their stuff they went into town to go to Merlin in her house of experiments )

( They walked in )

Merlin: Diane, Princess, what can I do for you?

Diane: Hey, Merlin. Elizabeth needs your help, she's having strange dreams, she feels like they are memories.

Merlin: I see, come here Elizabeth.

( Elizabeth walks to Merlin )

Merlin: I need you to relax while I look in your mind.

( Elizabeth closes her eyes while Merlin uses her magic to look in her mind )

Merlin: Ah, I see, have you been stressed lately? Something you want to talk about?

Elizabeth: Yeah, sir Meliodas left me, and the Boar Hat. (She said sad)

Merlin: Don't worry he'll come back when he needs too, but that's also explains your dreams. Which are just dreams, they don't mean anything. What you need to do is rest that's all.

Diane: Well, that's good news Elizabeth! Come let's head back so that you get a properly rest. (She smiled)

Elizabeth: Alright. (She let a slight smile)

( And then they left )

( Merlin in thought )

( Because Merlin knew that were not just dreams those were signs that Elizabeth's memories would come back soon )

Merlin: I have to find the captain asap.

( At that moment the captain walked in )

Meliodas: Hey, Merlin. I need your help... What's that serious look on your face?

Merlin: It's Elizabeth, I think her memories will return soon...

( Meliodas freezes for a second )

Meliodas: W--Why do you think that?

Merlin: Because, her and Diane came here today, they explained that Elizabeth was having dreams of past memories...

Meliodas: We need to get to the Boar Hat!

( And they left )

( Meanwhile at the Boar Hat )

Diane: You go upstairs Elizabeth lie down for a few hours.

Elizabeth: I will. And Diane?

( Diane looks up at Elizabeth )

Elizabeth: you are a true friend, and I'm lucky to have you. (She said smiling)

Diane: All of us are your friends Elizabeth!

( Elizabeth walks to the bedroom upstairs, while she wants to get ready for bed she starts to feel strange )

Elizabeth: M--My head... What's g--going on? It's feels so heavy.... DIANE!!!

( Diane storms upstairs and Elizabeth tries to run past her but Diane holds her back)

Diane: Elizabeth, calm down!

Elizabeth: Let me go this instance! I have to tell him!

( Elizabeth tries to struggle her way out of Diane's grip but Diane is strong )

( King, Ban, Escanor, and Gowther storm inside )

King: What's going on? We heard screaming.

Diane: I don't know! She started just out of the blew like this. Elizabeth you need to calm down first!

( Everybody is looking worried but then Elizabeth calms down and looks at Diane )

Diane: Elizabeth... Your eyes...

Elizabeth: I remember

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Elizabeth: I remember... (She starts to pass out)

Diane: ELIZABETH! (she catches her)

( She puts Elizabeth on the bed )

Escanor: what's going on with princess? (He asked worriedly)

( At that moment Meliodas and Merlin walked in and stared in shock (

To be continued--

P.s: in the next chapter Melascula will be in it!

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