The Final Battle

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( Elizabeth's Curse is broken . )

( Elizabeth and Mael are in each others arms. )

King: Let's get back to lower ground.

Elizabeth: Yes.

( They all fly to lower ground. )

( They hear an epxlosion coming from Camelot. )

Diane: It's coming from Camelot, isn't it?

Elizabeth: Yes, we need to hurry!

( Mael is staring at the sky. )

( Elizabeth turns to him. )

Elizabeth: Mael, are you coming with us to Camelot?

Elizabeth: Mael, are you coming with us to Camelot?

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Mael: So now I am to destroy Demons as a Goddess? Who would possibly want that?

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Mael: So now I am to destroy Demons as a Goddess? Who would possibly want that?

( Elizabeth put her hands on his shoulder. )

Elizabeth: I do. It's to end The Holy War as we know it.

Mael: Elizabeth...

( Meanhwile by Hawk, Diane, Melascula, and King. )

Diane: What's taking Gowther and the others so long?

Hawk: It's a complicated situation...

King: We can't sit here, and wait forever. We should go to Camelot.

Diane: ( Worried ) Hey King, the others are okay right?

King: I'm worried too, Diane. That's why we should hurry.

( Elizabeth, Mael, Gowther, are heading towards them. )

Hawk: Look! Their back!

Melascula: You all ready to go?

Elizabeth: Yes!

( They all fly towards Camelot. )

Elizabeth: Hold on everyone...

Diane: We're not gonna lose anymore team-mates!

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