Adventure Awaits

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The next morning comes with a jolt. 

I sprint out of bed when I realize how late I am. Checking the clock, I see I must be there in the front of the base in fifteen minutes. Last night I didn't even watch the broadcast, already exhausted from it all.

My mind spurs a million thoughts as I fight to throw on my sea green dress Katie gave for me to wear yesterday, saying to just trust her. I think about trying to make friends and act as if I were head over heels for Prince Percy. Barely brushing my hair, I put on a dash of mascara before throwing it all into my suitcase again. 

I might as well just make one or two friends and then lay low; besides, no one has to know about my disinterest in all of the Selection. My real focus is the mission, and that is what I am most excited and nervous about. 

My eyes skim my apartment, and I whisper goodbye...for now, before bolting out of the door, hastily locking it. Running at full speed in my dress and suitcase in tow down the long hallway, I fight through a crowd of my fellow spies–who have probably never seen me wear anything but pants–trying to catch the carriage. It will be a five-day journey and I am not excited.

Thalia told me there will be one girl who's from Hudson as well and will be joining us. I finally reach the doors and yank them open, practically falling out of the building. 

"You are so lucky you made it! I was about to drag you out of bed. Get in," Thalia shouts, opening the door for a girl, looking at me.

Out of breath, I throw the suitcase into the trunk before jumping into the carriage. "You have no idea how nervous I am for all of this," I breathe, running a hand over my blonde curls.

"Oh, I do because I'm just as nervous," she laughs. 

I give her a look and she puts a hand on my shoulder. Katie walks out of the base in her maid's uniform and runs to help the boys who are struggling to fit Leo's tools in the trunk of the carriage. 

Thalia assesses me. "I heard a lot of people liked you because you're coming from such a low caste. You inspire them."

Nodding at her, too overwhelmed, I place a smile on my face. "Excited?" I ask her.

"Not nearly as much as you should be! General Hedge assigned me to do paperwork." Thalia rolls her eyes.

Sighing in anticipation, I say, "I know, I'm sad you couldn't come. Promise to write though?"

She nods. "I will let you know anything else I learn."

I immediately hug her through the window, tears randomly sprinkling my eyes. "I'll miss you."

"Me too."

"Lady Annabeth? Ready to head off?" 

One of the men who are to drive the carriage for us, after feeding the horses, comes. It takes me a full two seconds to accept that my name for the next months will be Lady Annabeth.

Giving him a nod, I hug Thalia one more time. "Wish me luck."

"You don't need it," she remarks. I laugh as she lets me go. "Your adventure awaits," she whispers, allowing our hands to untangle from one another. 

And just like that, I was whisked away and down the road to some unknown palace off to meet some unknown prince. Which is how I ended up in a carriage being pulled away from home. 

Here I am. What exactly awaits me, I do not know.

Have an amazing day/night wherever you are!- The Fangirl

Mission Accepted: Percabeth AU (HoO)✔️Where stories live. Discover now