Kick into Gear

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Photo by Simon Wilkes on Unsplash 

Annabeth's POV:

We stop on the side of the road for a pee break. A small river stretches along the side of the road, trees leaning away, looking like their posing. The serene atmosphere sends a wave of calm over my jumpy self, and I marvel at the fast change of environment after such stressful few days.

A breeze whisks my hair to the side, and I step through the grass to a tree. Glancing over my shoulder, I see Barns holding a blanket out to give Jade privacy – glaring at anyone who looks their way. I purse my lips, knowing he's putting on a strong front but really the death of Agent Buckly shook him.

Turning back to the tree, I walk around it to block me from view. He'll learn to deal with the deaths, the cost of missions – but it never gets easier, you just find better ways to handle the pain. I do my business, hearing the truck drivers talking briefly about which way is quickest. Zipping up my pants, I watch the river in front of me. It moves silently and swiftly. I slip my hand in the liquid, feeling it twirl and weave between my outstretched fingers. A breeze blows down the passageway again, causing me to breathe it all in. I wish I could stay in this moment forever. My face crumples slightly in a moment of vulnerability.


"ARE YOU AN IDIOT?!" the female snaps back.

The calming moment snatched away, I stand up and brush my wet hands on my bloody and dirty pants. I watch their worried expressions, eyes glancing around us every second. At least they understand the danger they are in being near Barns and me. The Northern Rebels will not stop until they have us.

I scan our surroundings first before twirling my finger around in the air, shutting down the bickering, "We've been stopped for too long, let's move."

The two truck drivers nod at me, scrambling to the wheel. Barns and Jade are already huddled in the corner and I take my usual spot on the edge, legs dangling off. Yes, it's dangerous, but it gives me more leverage to protect everyone if any trouble should arise. My senses are little jumpier than usual, calmer compared to the average person, though. Our time spent at the river halted, and the yelling has brought me an unsettling feeling. They should be gaining on us. I remind myself to breathe, eyes never leaving the landscape around me – focused on the horizon.

Percy's POV:

The wait for Annabeth and her comrades to arrive is agonizing. I glance around the dining room, another breakfast and day begun. Daily, I must remind myself I still must be focusing on finding a wife. But Annabeth is always on my mind. Father dismisses her to be my potential wife every time, but mom loves Annabeth. They both have told me to keep my options open and I must find a wife at the end of this.

I look at Paris, she has caught my attention multiple times and is always fully focused on whatever she does. Our dates are always something I look forward to. Then we have Monica who I've been attracted to since day one. There are also a few others, and I am narrowing them all down every elimination – there has only been one since Annabeth left.

But the problem is, none of them are her.

Annabeth's POV:

I'm not sure what I see on the horizon right now. It looks like bumps compared to the smooth line that was before. Alarms go off in my head as those bumps in the distance turn bigger and closer. I begin to be able to make out the shapes, looking like vehicles or carriages – I'm not entirely sure which. It's been hours upon hours of traveling and seeing nothing, but now I do see something and I know I'm not hallucinating.

Mission Accepted: Percabeth AU (HoO)✔️Where stories live. Discover now